The Coldest Day of the Year

I have heard that today, January 21, is on average the coldest day in the Northern Hemisphere. That is, the average for all years and all locations. But I don’t have a cite. Can anyone provide a cite to either support or refute this?

Bonus question: Would the coldest day in the Northern Hemisphere coinicide with the hottest day in the Southern Hemisphere?

Not exactly precise, but:

Shortest day of the year being on December 21 or 22 for northern hemisphere or June 20 or 21 for Southern hemisphere.

I don’t really believe in the hype about “Global Warming” but starting to wonder since it is mid-January and we still don’t have any snow to speak of in Toronto yet. We have had a few very light snowfalls but I can’t remember any winter where we have had such low snowfalls. But it’s been cold around freezing 32F or 0C but still no snow. I’m not complaining but I do like a bit of snow.
It’s so bad in Vancouver they are starting to stock pile snow up higher in the mountains so they can bring it down to the ski-hills for the Olympics which start in mid-February since all they have had so far this year is rain.
Global warming, maybe or maybe just a bad snow year.
Isn’t it funny when they report a record high/low they always reference back to the high/low from back in say 1920, and they never had any global warming then did they?
Weather is weather and it changes from day to day.
I don’t think we have any control over it but we could change our ways that if for sure.

Not a cite precisely, but if you go to accuweather’s web site, enter your zip code, follow the “forecast / Historical Forecast / Typical Weather” links and then select the January and February months, you’ll probably find that historically the coldest period in your area enters around January 21st.

This is because the jet stream has taken a hug dip south, so that precipitation is staying south, too. The exact details of how the jet stream is affecting your snow fall might not be perfectly illustrated in my little sentence above, but that is the gist of it.

Places are far south as Florida are getting deep freezes unlike anything they’ve seen since the 1970’s. They are setting records for COLD/LOW temps. Texas, Georgia, … brrrr.

Global warming is a lot more complex than, “Hey, it’s warmer than average!”

Averages are just that. To get an average, you are sometimes above the average and sometimes below it. Averages are not predictors. It’d be unusual to have every season almost identical to the previous seasons. Some are warmer, some colder. Some snowy, some not-so-much. It averages out to something, but it ain’t always gonna be what the average is.

If the average high temp for January in an area is 28 degrees farenheit, and the current high temp for a given time shows up as 35, that is not above ‘normal’, but it is above average. As a matter of fact, I’d consider it very normal.


Simply not true.

Ask the people who live around here if they think global warming is a problem this week. -50C (with wind) today.

Again, global warming is a lot more complex than local weather anomalies. Apparently, adding value to a GQ thread is too.

I’m guessing no, as the the Southern Hemisphere has much greater ocean area than the Northern Hemisphere. This is supposed to act as a heat sink, so the seasonal lag is greater.