The Computer "Bug", Mothra, and Regis

Saw it on that Millionaire show. Guy was asked which creature was responsible for the origin of the computer term “bug”. He said “Moth” and got paid. I recall reading a solid debunking of this urban myth (you may recall, supposedly a moth fluttered onto one of Eniacs tubes and blew its programming, hence “bug”). OK, so I’d rather be a millionaire than be right, but still… A true Cecilian must strive against ignorance! Even if it entails smug pedantry!!

Also remember another where the correct answer was the Geneva Convention was from 1949? Huh? Dont I remember WWII flicks where the Bad Guys scoffed at the thing? Or am I suffering from Reagan’s Syndrome?

Ummm…actually, it is true. The woman who was responsible for a great deal of ENIAC research/development, Navy Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, discovered that a moth was caught in some of the vacuum tubes of the Mark II and had caused a minor failure in the system. She spotted it with her compact mirror and pulled it out, saying that she had “de-bugged” the computer.

You probably do. According to…, there are actually several Geneva Conventions. I apologize for the length of this post in advance.

They were right about the Geneva Convention, too. I just did a search on Excite and found that it was signed on August 12, 1949. Thus, any mention of it in a World War 2 film would be an anacronism. BTW: all the films I’ve seen where the bad guys scoff at the Geneva Convention have been about the Vietnam war, or were those “going back for the POWs” movies from the 80’s.

Oops. My first post appeared after Quadzilla’s. I guess FreakFreely is right, then. My bad.

I saw the Geneva Convention question on WWTBAM but I can’t remember what the other answer choices were (besides 1949). Does anyone know how the question was worded? Did it specifically deal with what was addressed in the 1949 Convention? If the question only asked when the GC was established, I don’t see how “1949” could really be considered the correct answer.

About the term “bug”, the alt.folklore.urban faq has this to say. The initial letter tells you whether the legend is true or false:

T. In 1947 a moth was found in a relay of the Harvard Mark II machine, and taped into the logbook as the “first actual case of bug being found”.

F. Grace Hopper coined the term “bug” as a result of this event.

T. “Bug” was used to mean a design defect as far back as Edison’s time.

Correct. I think she came up with the term “debugging.”