the cottons shirts are made of comes from arizona

the cottons shirts are made of comes from arizona

the horse raced past the barn fell

fat people eat accumlates


Playing with magnetic poetry? Can I play too?

the horse comes from people

accumulates raced past arizona

fell fat eat the cottons

are made of the shirts

Somewhere, the hamsters are crying.

Just what the hell IS this? Can someone tell me what’s going on here?

It looks like the OP is playing with parsing.

“The cotton, [that] the shirts are made of, comes from Arizona.”

And so on.

Yes, minimal attachment preference.

I’m thinkin’ that it’s poorly put headlines.

garden path sentences is what they are called, they are like linguistic optical illusions.

Well, okay, it’s somewhat clever now that you’ve explained it…

Try for a bit more detail on garden path sentences.