The Daily Feud: Everyday international Things by Queen Tonya [Game Over]

Name an object commonly associated with a place

Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Google or other research is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me and I’ll get you on The List.


Write your answers like this; Do not repeat the questions, no periods at the end of answers, no spaces between lines, no comments, no fancy list coding. If you need to comment or clarify your answers, do it AFTER the list of answers. Thanks.

1. answer <<—There is a space after the period!
2. response
3. rejoinder

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or at 4:00 PM Central on Wednesday, 11/26/08 whichever comes first.

Good luck!

Because the Feuds have been very American-centric lately, I thought we’d move to an international theme!

Name an object commonly associated with these places, including the nationality adjective of each item.
Example: Brazilian Wax, Siamese Cat

Answers won’t count if you fail to follow the rules!

  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Russia
  4. Ireland
  5. Italy
  6. China
  7. USA
  8. Netherland
  9. Switzerland
  10. England
  1. French fries
  2. German Shepherd
  3. Russian dressing
  4. Irish coffee
  5. Italian greyhound
  6. China doll
  7. American flag
  8. Double dutch
  9. Swiss bank account
  10. English muffin
  1. French Wine
  2. German Beer
  3. Russian Vodka
  4. Irish poetry
  5. Italian Opera
  6. Chinese martial arts
  7. American Cheese
  8. Dutch Windmills
  9. Swiss Banks
  10. English Navy
  1. French fries
  2. German shepherd
  3. Russian vodka
  4. Irish setter
  5. Italian soda
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch shoes
  9. Swiss cheese
  10. English muffin
  11. I know this is a lame answer but I can’t think of anything else.
  1. French dressing
  2. German potato salad
  3. Russian roulette
  4. Irish coffee
  5. Italian leather
  6. Chinese zodiac
  7. American flag
  8. Dutch door
  9. Swiss watch
  10. English bulldog

Ugh, these are terrible.

  1. French kiss
  2. German engineering
  3. Russian roulette
  4. Irish dancing
  5. Italian sportscar
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch treat
  9. Swiss watch
  10. English reserve
  1. French fries
  2. German chocolate cake
  3. White Russian
  4. Wild Irish Rose
  5. Italian bread
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch apple pie
  9. Swiss cheese
  10. English muffin

2. Yes, I know that it’s not actually from Germany, but it does have the adjective in its name.
4. Irish coffee will probably be more common, but I have too much pride in my ancestry to perpetuate the Irish = drunks stereotype.

Thank you :smiley:

Name an object commonly associated with these places, including the nationality adjective of each item.
Example: Brazilian Wax, Siamese Cat

Answers won’t count if you fail to follow the rules!

  1. French Fries
  2. German Lederhosen
  3. Russian Mobster
  4. Irish Whiskey
  5. Italian Pasta
  6. Chinese Democracy
  7. American President
  8. Dutch Clogs
  9. Swiss Cheese
  10. English Breakfast

Going with the first things that came to mind, which includes the new GnR album.

  1. French fries
  2. German potato salad
  3. Russian dressing
  4. Irish coffee
  5. Italian sausage
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch apple pie
  9. Swiss cheese
  10. English muffins
  1. French fries
  2. German Chocolate
  3. Russian roulette
  4. Irish whiskey
  5. Italian Stallion
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch treat
  9. Swiss army knife
  10. English muffin

4 - I learned something from a previous feud. Irish has a e, scotch doesn’t.

  1. French bread
  2. German shepherd
  3. Russian wolfhound
  4. Irish whiskey
  5. Italian soda
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch cocoa
  9. Swiss chocolate
  10. English muffin
  1. French fries

  2. German potato salad

  3. Russian roulette

  4. Irish coffee

  5. Italian Gambit

  6. Chinese checkers

  7. American cheese

  8. Dutch oven

  9. Swiss watch

  10. English

  11. A chess opening-- absolutely the only thing I could think of.

  12. Y’know-- when you put that spin on a pool ball . . .

<sigh> My answers are the pits.

Cool feud! Looks easy, but turns out to be surprisingly difficult. For me, anyhow.:wink:

English muffins! AAUUGGHH.:smack:

  1. French fries
  2. German shepherd
  3. Russian roulette
  4. Irish coffee
  5. Italian bread
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch oven
  9. Swiss army knives
  10. English muffins
    Man, I’m hungry, even the answers I didn’t choose were food, English breakfast, french vanilla, Italian dressing, swiss cheese…
  1. French fries
  2. German shepherd
  3. Russian Tea Room
  4. Irish coffee
  5. Italian restaurant
  6. Chinese restaurant
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch rabbit
  9. Swiss cheese
  10. English language

Damn. I suck.

  1. French kiss
  2. German engineering
  3. Russian roulette
  4. Irish whiskey
  5. Italian shoes
  6. Chinese checkers
  7. American cheese
  8. Dutch cleanser
  9. Swiss chocolate
  10. English toffee
  1. French kiss
  2. German chocolate cake
  3. Russian dressing
  4. Irish coffee
  5. Italian dressing
  6. Chinese restaurant
  7. American eagle
  8. Dutch treat
  9. Swiss cheese
  10. English muffin

1–First thought was French toast, which tells you something about my love life.
3 & 5–What, me lack imagination?
7–Surprisingly hard to think of a satisfying answer. If the top answer is “cheese,” I’m going to kick myself. Or somebody.

On review: better get my kickin’ shoes ready.

  1. French kiss
  2. German engineering
  3. White Russian
  4. Irish coffee
  5. Italian Sausage
  6. Chinese Fire drill
  7. American Pie
  8. Dutch Waggenbach
  9. Swiss Cheese
  10. English Beat
  1. French fries
  2. German chocolate cake
  3. Russian roulette
  4. Irish whiskey
  5. Italian suit
  6. Chinese firecrackers
  7. American pie
  8. Dutch oven
  9. Swiss cheese
  10. English muffin