The Daily Feud: Gone Fishin' by This'll Do [Game Over]

  1. Red Snapper
  2. Trout
  3. Marlin
  4. Carp
  5. Worms
  6. Shrimp
  7. net
  8. Fried
  9. Cole Slaw
  10. Salt
  1. Tuna
  2. Trout
  3. Marlin
  4. Pike
  5. Worm
  6. Shrimp
  7. Net
  8. Frying
  9. Fries/chips
  10. Smoking

FYI: I’m not a fisherman and all of the above are WAG

  1. Flounder
  2. Rainbow Trout
  3. Striped Bass
  4. Largemouth Bass
  5. Worms
  6. Minnows
  7. Net
  8. Grill
  9. Chips
  10. Freeze

*This feud reminds me of the compliment, “She’s a tasty fish.”

A catfish is a bottom feeding bass. Everybody knows that. They even look identical when viewed through wet glasses.

  1. Cod
  2. Trout
  3. Swordfish
  4. No clue
  5. Worm
  6. Worm
  7. Net
  8. Fried
  9. Chips
  10. Pickled

It’s official: I suck!

  1. Tuna
  2. Trout
  3. Marlin
  4. Bass
  5. Worms
  6. Minnows
  7. Net
  8. Baking
  9. Chips
  10. Pickling
  11. a/k/a fries

eta: Knew I should have said fried!

  1. Tuna
  2. Catfish
  3. Marlin
  4. Bass
  5. Worms
  6. Shrimp
  7. Net
  8. Fried
  9. Chips (fries)
  10. Salted
  1. Grouper

  2. Trout

  3. Blue Marlin

  4. Muskellunge

  5. Earthworm

  6. Alewife minnow

  7. Spearfishing

  8. Fry

  9. Hush puppies

  10. Smoking

  11. aka shad or herring

  1. Name a tasty saltwater fish.

  2. Name a tasty freshwater fish.

  3. Name a saltwater sport fish not typically eaten (a “catch and release” or trophy species)

  4. Name a freshwater sport fish not typically eaten (a “catch and release” or trophy species)

  5. Name a live bait used in freshwater.

  6. Name a live bait used in saltwater.

  7. Other than with hook and line, name a way to catch fish.

  8. What is a popular way to cook fish?

  9. What is a popular side dish served with fish?

  10. Name a way to preserve fish

  11. tuna

  12. trout

  13. marlin

  14. bass

  15. worm

  16. sardine

  17. net

  18. fried

  19. french fries/chips

  20. salted

  1. Cod
  2. Trout
  3. Marlin
  4. Bass
  5. Worm
  6. Minnow
  7. Net
  8. Pan-fried
  9. Rice
  10. Salt

Am I the only one here who’s ever had the pleasure of eating well-cooked freshwater bass? I’m not a fisherman myself, but when I was in college, I spent Thanksgiving and other short holiday breaks with one of the “non-traditional” students. Lois was a widow and involved in Parents Without Partners. She dated several men during the time I knew her, and one was a master angler who believed that whatever fish he caught should end up on the dinner table. On one occasion, I was fortunate to share in the bounty.

That’s why I didn’t answer bass - everybody I know eats them!

  1. Salmon
  2. Trout
  3. striped bass
  4. bass
  5. crawfish
  6. pinfish
  7. net
  8. fried
  9. fried potatoes
  10. smoked
    Huh, my favorite fish is tuna, and I didn’t even get it in there.

Worms? I forgot worms?! :smack:

  1. Tuna
  2. Trout
  3. Marlin
  4. Bass
  5. Worms
  6. Sardines
  7. Net
  8. Broiled
  9. Chips (British meaning of the word - French fries to Yanks)
  10. Salting

ETA: #8 - Fried!!:smack: I come from Wisconsin Catholic stock. How could I forget Friday Fish Fry. :smack: Broiled!?! That’s what I get for growing up an effete California elitist.

  1. salmon
  2. trout
  3. marlin
  4. pike
  5. nightcrawlers
  6. minnows
  7. net
  8. frying
  9. french fries
  10. salting

I know people eat them, although it’s been a while for me. On the other hand, it’s probably the most commonly caught and released fish if the early Saturday morning fishing shows are any indication.

I’m distraught that the best “tasty saltwater fish” folks can come up with is cod. I think cod hardly has any taste. And it’s not the most delicate of white fishes.

Properly made fresh North Atlantic Cod tastes absolutely great! Just boil it, season with salt and petter, and serve with fresh potatoes and melted butter.

  1. Salmon
  2. Salmon
  3. Mako Shark
  4. Perch
  5. worms
  6. Shrimp
  7. Nets
  8. Poach
  9. Chips
  10. Salting
  11. & 2. What? :slight_smile:

Gadzooks! Boiled fish!?! Sounds like a crime against nature.