The Daily Feud: Wild Animals by Freudian Slit [Game Over]


Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me and I’ll get you on The List.


Write your answers like this; Do not repeat the questions, no periods at the end of answers, no spaces between lines, no comments, no fancy list coding. If you need to comment or clarify your answers, do it AFTER the list of answers. Thanks.

1. answer <<—There is a space after the period!
2. response
3. rejoinder

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or at 4:00 PM Central on Tuesday, 10/21/08 whichever comes first.

Good luck!

I’ve taken this one out of order, based on my available time to score these. This should be straightforward and easy for me. I hope you guys are understanding! :slight_smile:

  1. Name any African herbivore.
  2. Name any big cat besides lions and tigers.
  3. Name a non human primate.
  4. Name an animal most Americans would consider disgusting to eat.
  5. Name any kind of marine mammal.
  6. Name any kind of bear.
  7. Name a very large lizard.
  8. Name an animal that is pink.
  9. Name an animal that is endangered.
  10. Name an animal that lives a very long time.
  1. giraffe
  2. panther
  3. chimpanzee
  4. cockroach
  5. dolphin
  6. black bear
  7. komodo dragon
  8. flamingo
  9. bald eagle
  10. giant tortoise
  1. Gnu
  2. Cheetah
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Dog
  5. Whale
  6. Grizzly
  7. Kimodo dragon
  8. Pig
  9. Polar bear
  10. Tortoise
  1. Gnu
  2. Leopard
  3. Orangutang
  4. Penguin
  5. Dolphin
  6. Polar
  7. Crocodile
  8. Flamingo!
  9. Panda
  10. Turtle

4: Ok, I don’t know if Penguin is disgusting, but I don’t want to eat one.
7: And maybe crocodile’s ain’t lizards, but the words KOMODO DRAGON just dropped out of my head :frowning:

  1. Zebra
  2. Leopard
  3. Gorilla
  4. Dog
  5. Whales
  6. Grizzly
  7. Iguana
  8. Flamingo
  9. Polar bears
  10. Elephants
  1. Wildebeast

  2. Liger

  3. Chimp

  4. Rat

  5. Dolphin

  6. Grizzly

  7. Gila monster

  8. Flamingo

  9. Bald eagle

  10. Sea turtle

  11. Two weeks ago I saw Hercules, the world’s biggest (living) cat. 12 feet long, 900 pounds of pure kitty luv.

  1. Gazelle
  2. Leopard
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Cat
  5. Whale
  6. Polar bear
  7. Komodo dragon
  8. Pig
  9. Tiger
  10. Tortoise
  1. Giraffe
  2. Leopard
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Dog
  5. Whale
  6. Polar bear
  7. Dinosaur
  8. Flamingo
  9. Rhino
  10. Tortoise
  1. Rhinoceros
  2. Cheetah
  3. chimpanzee
  4. Dog
  5. Dolphin
  6. Grizzly Bear
  7. Komodo Dragon
  8. Flamingo
  9. Panda
  10. Tortoise
  1. Giraffe
  2. Panther
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Dog
  5. Dolphin
  6. Grizzly
  7. Monitor
  8. Flamingo
  9. Bald eagle
  10. Tortoise
  1. wildebeast
  2. cheetah
  3. chimpanzee
  4. slug
  5. whale
  6. grizzly
  7. Komodo dragon
  8. flamingo
  9. polar bear
  10. giant tortoise
  1. Giraffe
  2. Cheetah
  3. Chimp
  4. Cat
  5. Whale
  6. Grizzly
  7. Komodo Dragon
  8. Flamingo
  9. Panda
  10. Tortoise


  1. Zebra
  2. Cheetah
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Rat
  5. Dolphin
  6. Grizzly
  7. Iguana
  8. Flamingo
  9. Panda
  10. (Giant) Tortoise
  1. Giraffe
  2. Leopard
  3. Gorilla
  4. Rat
  5. Whale
  6. Grizzly
  7. Komodo dragon
  8. Flamingo
  9. Tiger
  10. Turtle
  1. Zebra
  2. Cheetah
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Dog
  5. Dolphin
  6. Grizzly
  7. Komodo dragon
  8. Flamingo
  9. Blue whale
  10. Tortoise
  1. Elephant
  2. Leopard
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Rat
  5. Dolphin
  6. Polar
  7. Gila monster
  8. Pig
  9. Polar bear
  10. Tortoise
  1. Gazelle
  2. Panther
  3. Orangutan
  4. Cat
  5. Otter
  6. Polar
  7. Komodo dragon
  8. Flamingo
  9. Bald eagle
  10. Tortoise
  1. Antelope
  2. Panther
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Dog
  5. Dolphin
  6. Grizzly
  7. Alligator
  8. Flamingo
  9. Polar Bear
  10. Tortoise
  1. Giraffe
  2. Jaguar
  3. Gorilla
  4. Dog
  5. Dolphin
  6. Grizzly
  7. Iguana
  8. Pig
  9. Polar bear
  10. Tortoise
  1. elephant
  2. jaguar
  3. orang
  4. skunk
  5. dolphin
  6. Polar bear
  7. Komodo
  8. flamingo
  9. polar bear
  10. tortoise