"The dog ate the charger."

So, many of our regular school problems have either been supplemented or replaced by COVID-19 Remote Learning Problems.

The newest COVID-19 excuse for not attending class: “My dog ate my charging cord.”

I told the teacher to tell the parent to contact the tech department directly, and the father did. He explained that the somewhat exuberant family dog “likes to chew things”, and he did in fact chew up the Chromebook charging unit.

They all had to sign a sheet stating that they would pay for either Chromebooks or chargers damaged through user neglect but, since I have extra chargers lying around for the oldest machines, I told him that I would replace this once without a charge. I did state, however, “If your dog chews up another charger, your dog is going to pay for the next one.” His one word response, “Understood.”

I hope that gives the dog pause the next time.