The Dreaded One Night Stand

I adore and live for rainy days. This has nothing to do with anything, but I needed to say it anyway.

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

647 (and any other males who’d care to answer this) –

Damn, every time I think I have men figured out I get confused again. I can understand why some people would look down on a woman if she’d slept around a lot, but why would it reflect badly on her husband (assuming she stayed faithful after they were married)? Seems to me that, if anything, he should be flattered that she picked him out of the crowd. So what’s the big deal?

Here’s the conundrum :

If you (male or female) sleep around you are either:

  1. Very secure in your identity and sexuality.
  2. Very insecure with your self image and worth and trying to fill a void caused by what is missing.

Rather than cut and paste those I disagree with I’d rather just take a go at this topic with my own opinion. Those who might feel slammed by this can e-mail me. Or trash me here, I don’t care since this is just IMHO. Background here is important I feel. I’m female, 33, this happened when I was 23. Okay let’s get to the good stuff:

I’ve done ONS and have at times enjoyed them and at others hated them. Sometimes they mix. I can’t give you my whole life history (who the fuck would care for one) but I can give an example. I was in Ireland and knew that my chances of being with this woman again were slim. She was funny, sweet, honest and one of the most wonderfully entertaining people I have ever met in my life. I fell in love with her in a matter of minutes and there was something so compelling about her that I just couldn’t walk away. She felt the same toward me.

We spent the night together (my first time with another woman, hers too) and it was one of the most dear, most honest, most fulfilling times in my life. Both sexually and on a deeper, more emotional level. I always think of her as someone I could have spent my life with. But she was never going to come to the U.S. and I knew I would have few chances to see her in Ireland.

It was passionate, brief but meaningful and we both said goodbye knowing that we couldn’t be together again due to circumstances beyond our control. I still think of her to this day. And no, I have never agonized over if this means I’m gay or bi, honestly I couldn’t care less. All it means to me is that in one brief shining moment I fell in love with someone, expressed it sexually and moved on. So did she.

There is no shame in loving or expressing it. Only shame it what other people might think. All I can say, if you are offended is UNFUCK you since this was one of the most poignant moments of my life.

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.

That should be “shame only IN what” not it. But still, if you get pissed dial my e-mail or dial 1-800-get-grip! Thanks!

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.

Aren’t we a bit defensive?

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Beeruser: that’s a joke from another thread! TennHippie would get it!

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.

Fretful Porpentine-I’ll answer from my point of view regarding my response. If this guy was so clueless regarding his wife’s past history (and, he had made statements at parties regarding her pre-marriage chastity that just stopped the conversation in it’s tracks; we knew this guy through her-so, it wasn’t our place to say anything), why would I think he had a clue about other things? Whether he did or not, it certainly reflected on him. As far as her picking him outta the crowd to be her man, I think he was one of the few takers.

Ms. Byantine: Would you please…err… give us more details about what happened in your ONS in Ireland?
Now, what are the chances of Byzantine obliging me? I say, as likely as Mariah Carey and Aretha Franklin making a song together.

Skar– keep holding your breath, sugar! The point was how we felt about ONS not details! I’d advise you to use your imagination but I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself!

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.

Awww…come on!!!
(shruggs and gives up)


You might start hitting all the Irish pubs. You never know…it could happen.

That was beautiful. Just wanted to let you know that your story touched me. It was so poetic! Thanks for bringing a little romance into my day!

Frankie – I really can’t tell if you are being serious or not! My bullshit meter is broken I think. If you are serious than thank you for the complement. If you are jerking my chain than I’m still going to thank you and ask you to jerk a little to the left, over, over, ahhhhh that’s the spot!

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.

I was being completely serious but, that chain thing does sound like alot of fun!