The edge of the universe

If we assume that Earth is the center of the universe, and other galaxies are running away from us…the farther away, the faster they’re receding…at a certain distance the expansion rate is the speed of light, beyond which, due to the Doppler Effect, galaxies
are infinitely red-shifted to the point of invisibility.

Can this “edge” be considered an Event Horizon, akin to that of a Black Hole?

Furthermore, is this “edge” equal to, greater than, or less than the “edge” determined by the speed of light since the Big Bang?

I have heard it said that, since the total density of a black hole gets less as the hole gets bigger, that the entire universe is dense enough to be a very huge black hole. This is calculating the density of the entire hole, from the event horizon in, of course, not just the singularity part of it (which is of infinite density).

I can’t offer specifics, or even attempt to answer your second question. I tend to only know the ‘surface facts’ on this sort of stuff.

You don’t have to assume the earth to be the center of the universe for that to happen. Just like the big bang happened everywhere, expansion happens everywhere.

**due to the Doppler Effect, galaxies are infinitely red-shifted to the point of invisibility. **

More prominent than doppler effect would be Relativity. Anything exceeding the speed of light cannot receive or send any information back to us. It just does’nt exist.

So, anything beyond that edge has ceased to exist?
Has never existed?