The end of the holidays - a culture question MMP

Good thoughts going out to VWife.

Home from work, not much snow here but boy is it ever cold! I was actually busy at work today too, doing year-end clean up and making the sign-in sheets for 2011, etc. Tomorrow I might have a big (heyuge!) overnight mail out to do, which I am -really- not relishing at all - it’s 40 plus packages. :frowning: Ah well! At least it’s quiet in the office.

I got a gift card from a co-worker for B&N and have been drooling over some choice books. LOL I think I want to get the “Boardwalk Empire” book that the HBO show is based on, and maybe the new Stephen King book. Yeah! And now I can see well enough to read it!! :smiley:

One down, three to go … hurry up Thursday!

Love and prayers sent to WonderWife and WonderBobbio.

Hope all is well with Vwife.

Thoughts and prayers headed out to VWife. Here’s hopin’ this is a good sign.

taxi that rub sounds excellent. I happen to have all those ingredients on hand. Thus, tomorrow night shall be grilled poke tenderloin ala KeithT! Do tell him he now has an entree named after him. :smiley:

On the home front, instead of PapaJohn’s we had Maryland Fried Chikin cause OYKW had him a sudden gnawin’ and cravin’ for some. Works for me! Also, collards are now all washed, torn (I don’t chop I hand tear), bagged and in da fridge. I’s tahred!

Good vibes to the VWife

I’m getting pretty good at this whole ‘take a bath with the leg hanging over the edge’ business.

Just saw some video on the news that showed the beach town in Jersey where I spent a week this summer. It’s under 24 inches of snow. In July, it was 85-90 and sunny every day. I prefer that.

Tree and Christmas decorations actually got put away today, in the middle of all the calls I have to listen to. It’s been a productive day, despite the fact I was on switchboard this morning for almost 3 hours longer than planned!

Same day surgery, my ass. More like all day surgery…

We’re home, finally. She’s woozy, and pretty pathetic trying to function with one arm.

ETA: short story to come, when I’m not so grumpy.

A man/woman after me own heart. I assume your collards have been throuh a frost. Collards ain’t no good with out goin thru a frost. Black eyed peas must be the dried variety and must soak overnight. Represents dollars and cents.

Oh, one cannot do any work on New Year’s Day. What ever you do on the 1st you will do everyday accordin’ to how I was raised. Cooking was allowed as we all gotta eat. We put the ham hocks in the peas and collards but will have a ham and cornbread too. I declare I am now hungry.

Any one have a good recipe for leftover turkey…I’m thinking a pot pie using a store bought crust or is there an easier way?

Snowbound folks…just stay indoors and if you must journey out be safe.

I hate irk.:rolleyes:

Pot pie is good, but I loves me some Turkey Spaghetti.

Boil pasta in turkey stock, or chicken stock. Drain, reserving a cup of stock. Saute onions, celery, mushrooms. Add canned diced tomatoes and cream of mushroom soup. Add diced cooked turkey. Add salt and pepper.

In a large bowl, mix all ingredients with two cups of shredded cheese - or small diced Velveeta! Thin out with some reserved stock. Bake in a greased 13x9 baking dish for 30 minutes at 350°.

Good thoughts going out to the **VBob **family!

[quote=“Dolores_Reborn, post:49, topic:565492”]

Pot pie is good, but I loves me some Turkey Spaghetti.

Gee, that does sound good and I think I have all ingrediants on hand. Thanks. What is your MMP nick Delores?

I’m Stuffed.

Good wishes sent to VWife.
December 13th is St Lucy’s Feast, which is one of the few I actually remember by heart. It’s also about the only day in the year in which the Grandma from Hell has to go to Mass, because St Lucy is the patron saint of seamstresses; she’s what my mother calls “a folkloric Christian”, they are the same subspecies as “folkloric atheists”: which label they choose depends on the general social situation, but in both cases they are people who go to church for baptisms, funerals and weddings, maybe on the feast of a favorite saint, not at all otherwise, and celebrate stuff like St Patrick’s, Sanfermines or Semana Santa with all the fervor they’re capable of. On a saints-on-the-13th-related item, yesterday we were talking with our Key User (key contact customer) about missing data on how much are some machines used every year and I said, if we don’t get it on time we’ll just load “half the ‘check every XXX’ value” - the key user said “ah, very salomonic, just cut it in half” and I pointed out I was born on St Solomon’s. I don’t know whether they believed me, but it’s true and I do take it as a license to be a wiseass :stuck_out_tongue:

She be Rebo.

Sleeping did not go so well, at first. VWife is on the couch, and I was in the chair next to her. Every. Time. I. Got. To. Sleep. either she or the dogs would wake me up for something. I finally told her to pound sand, and went to the study where I have been sleeping anyway because of my back; I was now 8 feet away with a wall between us instead of 3 separated by a wall of Boxers.

She’s now snoring, and I intend to be as soon as I hit send.

morning all - BBBBBobbio, hope you are sleeping soundly! I’m up and caffeinating and getting ready to head into work. Just want to be busy but not overly busy. :smiley: Happy Tuesday all! (more later …)

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’ on a cold but clear mornin’. It’s 22 Amurrkin out! BRRRRR!

BBBobbio hope you’re snoozin’ away as I post.

Nava any reason to be a smartass is a good reason. :smiley:

Stuffy natch the collards have been through a frost. They must. It’s a rule. Also, I do use dried black-eyed peas. However, I go for the “quick soak” method. Place the peas in a boiler, add enough water to just cover the top of the peas, bring to a boil, remove and let soak for one hour. Then drain and rinse the peas. I also cook ‘em in a slow cooker with hamhock. I got me a big ol’ ham bone to put in the collards. MMMMMMM…

Now, I am in need of more caffiene and must feed rumbly tummy. Afterwards, purtification for irk must commence. I also need to put the rub on the poke tenderloin ala KeithT. My intentions are to wrap it up in plastic wrap and let it set in da fridge. IME rubs work better that way.

Ok, off to start the day! Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Up, caffeinated, off to irk. Hockey and Bowl game at the Bistro tonight.

Sleep well, Vbob!

I’m going to a hockey game.:smiley:

We’re both up now. VWife reports some pain, and says, “Drugs are good.”

Most problems at the moment are related to life with 1 arm instead of 1.5. I have to go to work tomorrow to clean out my desk, so she’ll be on her own.

I like it! :smiley:

We ended up not really ever having dinner last night. We didn’t get to donate blood last week so last night was declared the night. So we went and did that - and both got our 2 gallon pins - and then were going to go out to eat. First choice - too crowded, the only parking spaces were way away and it was cold. Second choice after a bit of a drive - too crowded, no parking spaces, and a half dozen cars followed us in to the already-full lot. Went home. No interest in frozen pizza. I ended up with a Trader Joe’s frozen dinner, and KT had microwaved nachos. Not quite up to our normal culinary standards.

There’s also a lack of new stuff on tv right now. What are we supposed to do after dinner besides veg in front of the tv??

I don’t know, but last weekend I happened to run into the Figure Skating World Championship, and I think that if anybody comes up with a rule that the same song can not be used twice in a contest there would be some serious gnashing of teeth.

I imagine Joaquín Rodrigo wished people could name more than one of his works (and that one under a shortened name), but will probably never know what did he think about hearing his Concierto de Aranjuez done in chinese chimes…

Yay! I got out of the house!!!

A friend of mine came by and took me out to breakfast today. She’s my new favorite bestest friend ever, as of now.

And, she gave me some work type work to do, so I have a mission today, and might not be so bored…

Our prayers and best too! Glad you both made it home.