Did anyone see the article on ABCNEWS.com yesterday regarding the 13-year old boy who (and I’m not making this up)CUT the eyes out of a labrador retriever and let it stumble around in the street until some poor soul came upon it and had to put it to sleep. I’m just so shocked and horrified. He’s awaiting sentencing…what can they do to him? Will any punishment have any impact at this point? I’m afraid there’s no rehabilitating someone who is that screwed up at such a young age. Any thoughts?
It’s too bad we can’t completely wipe that boy’s memory and personality clean and start from scratch. Looks like he is headed towards a steadily escalating pattern of abuse. :mad: Keep your children indoors around this bug.
This reminds me very little about some obscure saying, what was it? Oh yeah:
“An eye for an eye…”
Ugh…WHY? That’s so sick…
It’s horrible when people do these things to dogs…well to all animals, or to humans, for that matter. Especially if it was his dog- I don’t see how someone could do that to a dog who loves and depends on them…it’s just disgusting…
Why, oh why did I open this thread???
What a horrible story. They should have put the kid to sleep instead of the dog. Anyone who does something like that at such a young age is not going to get any better. I wonder what his life was like that made him think mutilating a dog was a good idea.
I guess most of us know that Jeffrey Dahmer started out abusing animals, as do most violent offenders.
I subscribe to a dog rescue e-mail list, and you’d get sick at some of the stuff I read. I can’t believe how freaking insensitive people can be.
“Oh, but it’s just a stupid animal!”
I can’t stand that type of thinking.
:mad: Bad enough to make me use my first ever pissed-off smiley.
I’ve read (I wish I remember where- sorry) that cruelty to animals, bed wetting, fire starting, and mutilation of dolls are all signs of a promising future in serial killing. According to what I read, children with any three of the above are pretty much gone.
While I’m horrified at the suffering the dog went through, I’m truly saddened at what a waste of humanity that boy is.
Here’s the story for those (like me) who didn’t catch it yesterday.
I especially like the part where it says the boy might be required to undergo counselling. Might? :rolleyes:
I would like to rant about the utter cruelty and evil-mindedness required to do something like this, but aside from simply acknowledging it I’m pretty much speechless. I mean, this isn’t like kicking a dog because it peed on your carpet (not a method of discipline I agree with at all, but I know other posters see it as something less than a capital offense). I want to follow this story and see what happens, and if any reasons are ever given for the boy’s actions. Ugh.
Try a search for “FBI profiling serial killers”.
You’d think I would be desensitized to this kind of crap already, because not only do I HEAR about animal abuse all the time, I also have to SEE it. I’M one of the ones who has to treat these wretched creatures, or to inject the euthanasia solution. But every time I hear about or see an abused pet, the disgust hits me in the stomach just as if this was the first one I had been exposed to.
there was a case out west (like Kansas or someplace like that) where one couple had numerous cats (they ran something like a rescue operation), and some ‘good ole’ boys from the local town got drunk and broke in and killed most of them (I seem to recall baseball bats or something equally as urbane).
The town was divided - half thought it was a heinous act that deserved serious attention, the other half thought “hell, it was just cats”.
I remember that story. I related a story of my own over in the pit about a man in my area who ran over a litter of kittens rather than take care of them because they all had upper respiratory infections. Only one kitten survived and it was brought in by a horrified neighbor who witnessed the whole thing. Also a few years ago I had heard of an old man who had a lot of cats. He was put in the hospital and had asked one of his relatives to care for the cats. The cats became too much trouble to care for, so the relative poured a bunch of anti-freeze into dishes all around the house for the cats to drink.
How could anyone do that to a dog? I have a puppy and even though he’s probably shredded and eaten at least a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff in his 4 year life I would never think to even hit him. The most I’ve done is tap him on the nose when we were trying to teach him how to take food when it was handed to him. He learned rather quickly and loves us now. I love my puppy, all dogs actually. These are the same animals that offer comfort and love and loyalty and ask for so little in return, how could a boy that young hurt a dog in such a cruel way?
Wow, you guys are a compassionate group. It’s nice to see a bunch of people who are more concerned about animals than they are about a human child.
An eye for an eye, Zenster? Get a fuckin’ life.
Put the kid to sleep, Orshee? Do you have a soul, you freak?
Waste of humanity, Mamapotumus? Who made you the judge?
You people need a serious fuckin’ readjustment if you think a 13 year old boy is so damn evil that he deserves what you’ve been saying here. When I see stories like this the first thing I think about is that poor kid. Sorry, but an animal is just not as important to me as a human. Maybe instead of cursing and condemning him, you should think about what condition the kid must be in to do something like that. You sick fucks.
What’s interesting is that I, one of the above mentioned “sick fucks,” was just about to reply to Fairy Princess Kitty’s post, and say that I believe this kid must be disturbed to do something like this. I honestly do hope that he’s required to get some kind of help; who knows what kind of mental/emotional state he must be in to resort to this kind of behavior? Hence my comment above that I wanted to follow this story and find out more.
I’m not making any apologies for my anger about animal abuse. The fact that the kid must be deeply troubled, while it might explain things, doesn’t make what he did any less horrifying.
I’m having de ja vu.