The Exciting Game With One Rule

Well yes; but that’s not it. :smiley:

By posting to the thread you lose?

No, that’s not the rule.

My big toe itches.

I’m out :smack: but I’ll be watching.

Your big toe itches to do what? Write the Great American Novel? Break free of your foot, and strike out on its own?

No, just itched. So I scratched it and it quit itching. Modern medicine at its best.

You have broken the rule.

Can’t use a q?

Yes! That was the rule!! Dang, I shoulda picked a harder one. I was sure that **randompattern **would get it.

Now you get to pick a rule.

Okay. We may be here a while. My rule is going to be hard to violate. Best go for the 20 Questions concept… He, He, He…


no capital letters?

No Punctuation

Nothing that simple. All of those are permitted.

sdrawkcab gnitirw oN

That’s okay. If that works for you, do it.

No commas after double letters?

Nothing that obvious! :smiley: Please remember that the “one rule” has shifted from the earlier one to a new one. Big Hint: it’s not about spelling, syntax, orthography and the font used.

Think content, subject matter and the like. The old 20 Questions approach is much more likely to help.

Oh, okay. I just thought it was odd to go “he, he, he.” :slight_smile:

Does the rule involve discussion of a particular object?

Damn good guess! Indeed it does – in a perverted way.

Are we talking about a single tangible object, i.e., a material thing like “duck” or “garlic press?”