(slightly adapted by yours truly)
**Mr. Lodge: **"…The lion spotted me. I ran, but I couldn’t outrun him. I lunged to fire, but I clumsily flung my rifle away! I shinnied up the tree I was standing next to. But this lion could climb trees too. I couldn’t get away. And then I…"
**Jughead: **"…fell out of bed."
Improvise on this yourself, or add a story of your own which builds up to a suspenseful climax–then key in an anti-climax as unexpected as Mr. Lodge’s adventure being a dream. Be as smart-aleck in the anticlimax as you like.
I once told my daughter about the three bears chasing Goldilocks and she asked about the woodsman. I said, “What woodsman?” and she said, “The one who saved Red Riding Hood.” So we had the the woodsman kill the bears and Goldilocks ate the Papa Bear’s porridge, which was now just right, and the woodsman ate the Mama Bear’s meal because he liked cold cereal, and then we had to spare the Baby Bear as a pet for Goldilocks.