The Fantastic Four movie didn't suck [open spoilage]

Fortunately, there’s probably no need to bring back Dr. Doom for a sequel.

So now the question is, who’s the FF’s number two villian? I wonder if they’d consider doing the Galactus story? I heard they might be doing a Silver Surfer movie sometime down the road, it’d be cool to introduce him in an FF movie first.

Miles above the Lungdren Punisher flick? Hell, it was miles above the 2004 version.

And, I have to agree that it was a perfectly serviceable origin story. If the X-Men franchise is any indication (FTR, I was pleased, but not thrilled w/ the first in that series as well), a sequal for Fantastic Four could be quite good.

You know, whenever people talk about good super hero movies, they always use Spiderman as an example. Why? I thought they were perfectly watchable, in the same way the Batman movies were perfectly watchable, but I don’t get why they’re considered so gosh darn good.

I’d much rather re-watch FF than a Spiderman movie, particularly the first one, which was incredibly boring until almost the end.

I don’t know anything about the Fantastic Four, but I really thought the movie was terrible. Perhaps because I didn’t have any affection or knowledge of the characters to fall back on.

IMHO, Tobey Maguire nailed the look and, for the most part, the feel of being Peter Parker or, in other words, an awkward loser high school geek. IMHO, that’s a bigger part of the Spider-Man mythos than the superhero-in-tights aspect.

BUT, as far as that aspect goes, I think Raimi also nailed the look of Spider-Man, particularly WRT the web-swinging. Seen on the big screen, it was one of the most exhilirating things I’ve ever watched, akin, almost, to watching something like Winged Migration or something involving flying on an IMAX screen.

Raimi also shot several other things right, not the least of which being the shot where the Green Goblin flies in toward the celebration (I forget exactly what it was), starting off as a smokey speck way, way off, and coming closer, and closer…

But, yeah, as far as I’m concerned, Spider-Man is “so gosh darn good” because, for the most part, it did a good job on the character development of its protagonist, much better than any comic book movie prior to (and, depending who you talk to, including) Batman Begins. Back that up with solid directing and not-terrible CGI, and you’ve got a winner.
