The Feud: Places Starting with "W" by Elendil's Heir [canceled]



2. Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Google is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

  1. Formatting rules:

If they are not followed, your answers might be DISQUALIFIED.

  1. answer
  2. answer
  3. answer
  4. answer

Make your list look like the one above. No double spacing. No urls. No periods (except for the one following the number.) No quote marks, no punctuation if it is not necessary! No smilies! No extraneous bs is allowed. If you feel you must qualify your answer, do it AFTER THE LIST!

The reason this is so important is because I cut and paste all the answers, and I have to edit each answer to make them identical. It is a lot of work, so please make it easier on me. Thanks.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me. (I’ve quit maintaining The List.) If anyone wants to run their own Feud, feel free. I will help any way I can.

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or when I get time to score it.

Good luck!

Read the rules! :slight_smile:

  1. Name a place in North America that begins with the letter W.
  2. In Europe.
  3. In Asia.
  4. In South America.
  5. In Central America.
  6. In Africa.
  7. Name a body of water beginning with W (can be after the word “Lake,” for instance).
  8. Other than Washington, D.C., name a capital city beginning with W.
  9. Name a famous person who gave his or her last name beginning with W to someplace.
  10. Name a geographic feature beginning with W.
  1. Washington DC
  2. Warzawa
  3. Warangal
  4. pass
  5. Windward Islands
  6. Welkom
  7. Lake Washington
  8. Warzawa
  9. George Washington
  10. Wake

3: India
4: Damn, I got nothing :frowning:
5: In the Caribbean
6: South Africa

  1. Washington, D.C.
  2. Warsaw
  3. Wuhan, China
  4. Wageningen, Suriname
  5. Wamil, Belize
  6. Western Sahara
  7. Lake Washington
  8. Warsaw
  9. George Washington
  10. Wisconsin
  1. Wisconsin

  2. Warsaw, Poland

  3. Wakayama, Japan

  4. Warnes, Bolivia

  5. Waspam, Nicaragua

  6. Western Sahara

  7. Lake Winnebago

  8. Winnipeg, Manitoba

  9. George Washington

  10. Water

    1. I SO had to look that up…
  11. Conch. Total conch. I mean, the previous question mentions one of the places named for him!

  12. As in water ye talkin’ bout? I can’t figure out if this means ‘a type of feature’ or ‘a specific feature’…I assume the first, but can’t figure out a good answer, thus…the crap answer, and bad pun in the natter.

Oh, man, I was thinking of going with Wuhan, too. :smack:

  1. Washington, DC

  2. Warsaw

  3. Wuhan

  4. Williams

  5. Western Entrance of the Panama Canal

  6. Windhoek

  7. Lake Wobegon

  8. Warsaw

  9. George Washington

  10. Whitney

  11. Chinese city

  12. Actually Puerto Williams, Chile

  13. I actually tried to find a serious answer, but Spanish doesn’t really have the letter, and no Belize towns that began with W were visible on the fairly detailed map I found of that country formerly known as British Honduras.

  14. Capital of Namibia

  15. The Mount of that name in California

  1. Washington DC
  2. Wales
  3. Wanchuan City
  4. Williamson-Balfour Company
  5. West Indies
  6. Western Sahara
  7. Lake Winnebago
  8. Warsaw
  9. George Washington
  10. Waterfall
  11. I had trouble even finding a place with a W in its name
    5.Not sure if they are even considered part of Central America

This will be a low scoring feud I think.

  1. Washington
  2. Warsaw
  3. pass
  4. pass
  5. pass
  6. pass
  7. Lake Washington
  8. Warsaw
  9. Washington
  10. waterfall
    3, 4, 5, 6 – even Google didn’t help with these! :smiley:

ETA: D’oh! “Place” doesn’t have to be a city. Sigh.

  1. Washington DC
  2. Warsaw
  3. West Pakistan
  4. West Amazon
  5. West Indies
  6. Wellington, S.A.
  7. Lake Wobegon
  8. Warsaw
  9. George Washington
  10. West
    Geez, EH could you make this any harder?

I’m gonna pass - I guess W was an unfortunate letter to choose!

  1. Washington, D.C.
  2. Warsaw, Poland
  3. Wuhan, China
  4. West Amazon
  5. West Indies
  6. Western Sahara
  7. Lake Winnebago
  8. Warsaw, Poland
  9. George Washington
  10. Waterfall
  1. Washington

  2. Warsaw

  3. Wonju

  4. pass

  5. pass

  6. Windhoek

  7. Lake Winnipesaukee

  8. Wellington

  9. George Washington

  10. White Mountains

  11. Yes, I know it’s really Auckland, but that was the best I could do!

This was a LOT tougher than I thought it would be… if you thought so too, sorry!

ETA: D’oh! Windhoek IS a capital!

Jeez, even you can’t think of answers.

  1. Washington D.C.
  2. Warsaw
  3. Wuhan
  4. Warnes
  5. West Indies
  6. Western Sahara
  7. Lake Woebegon
  8. Warsaw
  9. George Washington
  10. Waterfall
  1. Washington. DC
  2. Warsaw
  3. Wuhan
  4. pass
  5. There aren’t any
  6. Western Sahara
  7. Lake Wobegon
  8. Winnipeg
  9. George Washington
  10. Welland Canal
  1. Washington DC
  2. Warsaw
  3. Wuhan
  4. Warnes
  5. Wamil
  6. Western Sahara
  7. Lake Wobegon
  8. Warsaw
  9. William III (Williamsburg, VA)
  10. waterfalls
  1. Wyoming
  2. Warsaw
  3. Warzistan
  4. Windhoek
  5. Lake Winnipeg
  6. Warsaw
  7. Washington
  8. wind-swept plain

4&5 are very difficult, given that W is rarely used in the Spanish language.

Should we close this one and think of another more common letter? Like C?

My vote would be Yes,

C is a good letter, as are M,D,R,T,N.

But take do some have restrictions: if C is chosen, then eliminate China for Asai, Canada and California for North America, etc.

I vote yes too, but without restrictions. Some of us need the conch! :wink: