The Feud: You Don't Know Jack (or Jackson) by notfrommensa [Game Over]

  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Bo Jackson
  3. Tito
  4. Jack Nicholson
  5. Jackie Robinson
  6. Jack and the Beanstalk
  7. Jacksonville, Florida
  8. jumper cables
  9. idiot
  10. jerking off
  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Jack Dempsey
  3. Tito
  4. Jack Johnson
  5. Jackie Onassis
  6. Jack and the beanstock
  7. Jackson, MS
  8. emergency roadside kit
  9. Moron
  10. Jerk Off
  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Bo Jackson
  3. Janet
  4. Jackson Browne
  5. Jackie Onassis
  6. Jack (and the beanstalk)
  7. Jacksonville, Fla.
  8. Jumper cables
  9. Asshole
  10. Jerking off

I was just reading up on Bo Jackson again, and I had started to forget what an amazing athlete he was: Heisman Trophy winner; 1st overal NFL draft pick; MLB All-star. Absolutely incredible. Plus he always seemed so congenial and good-natured.

  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Jack Nicklaus
  3. Janet
  4. Jack Nicholson
  5. Jackie Kennedy Onasis
  6. Jack and the Beanstalk
  7. Jacksonville, FL
  8. Jumper Cables
  9. Idiot
  10. Jerking off
  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Bo Jackson
  3. Janet
  4. Samuel L. Jackson
  5. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  6. Jack and the Beanstalk
  7. Jacksonville, Florida
  8. Dead body
  9. Douchebag
  10. Jerking off

3. That’s Miss Jackson if you’re nasty
5. aka Jackie O
8. Surely someone else playing has a morbid sense of humor

  1. Andrew jackson
  2. Jack Dempsy
  3. Latoya
  4. Jesse Jackson
  5. Jackie Kennedy
  6. Jack Spratt
  7. Jacksonville ,Fla
  8. tools
  9. Douche Bag
  10. Jerking off
  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Jack Nichlaus
  3. Janet
  4. Jack Nicholson
  5. Jackie Kennedy
  6. Jack be Nimble
  7. Jacksville, FL
  8. jumper cables
  9. douchebag
  10. jerking off
  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Reggie Jackson
  3. Janet
  4. Jack Black
  5. Jackie Kennedy
  6. Jack and the Beanstalk
  7. Jacksonville
  8. Jumper cables
  9. Jerk
  10. Spanking the monkey
  1. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
  2. Reggie Jackson
  3. Janet
  4. Jack Nicholson
  5. Jackie Kennedy Onassis
  6. Jack & The Beanstalk
  7. Jackson, Mississippi
  8. Groceries
  9. Asshole
  10. Jerking off

I have lived my whole life in Kentucky and never heard of Jacksonville. Now I see it’s a little wide place in the road in Shelby County, which is about 25 miles from where I grew up.

Is this someplace you’re familiar with? </nosy>

I’m glad someone chose something other than Jackson, Ms or Jacksonville, Fl. There’s Jackson TN and Jackson MO but they are relatively small towns comparatively.

There’s a Jackson, Ky., that’s a wee bit larger; it’s in Breathitt County in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. I’m wondering now if that’s the one he meant.

And hey! The object is to match each other!

It’s Not Rocket Surgery! is #46.

42fish was #42. Ha!

There’s also Jacksonville, Alabama, home of Jacksonville State University.

and Jackson, Michigan hope of a big prison and several very nice golf courses.

My first instinct was Jackson, NJ (home of one of the country’s largest theme parks) – since I grew up a half-hour from there. But I figured it probably wouldn’t get much play here…

And probably the 3rd most famous “jack” on the map, Jackson Hole, Wyoming has been ignored.

  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Reggie Jackson
  3. Janet
  4. Jack Webb
  5. Jackie Robinson
  6. Jack Sprat
  7. Jackson Hole, Wyoming
  8. Golf clubs
  9. Jerk
  10. Beating the bishop

Until I entered. Guess I can write off my answer to that one. :wink: