The Flash Season 8

Are the writers trying to make us care about characters and 'ships we didn’t like from last season? Kramer, Chill Blaine, Allegra/Chester – it’s mostly not working. Although I’ll give props to Kramer for figuring out that Barry was the Flash. But the only other person who should be sitting in that captain’s chair, aside from Joe, is Singh.

S08E08 The Fire Next Time

AN INVESTIGATION GETS HEATED - Barry trusts his instincts during a murder investigation, believing the suspect, despite the overwhelming evidence against him, meanwhile Iris gives Allegra an opportunity to be a mentor.

It really is the best kept secret in the city. /s

I think I might have liked it more if she revealed she figured it out a while back and was waiting for him to come clean himself. And then when Barry was flabbergasted, tell him it just wasn’t that hard to figure out for anybody with half a brain, much less police detectives.

Hey, Barry, don’t you think that threatening people with incineration, including a police officer, is enough to put someone away, even if he never actually killed anyone? He also escaped police custody. At the very least, the guy needs psychiatric help. Also, it is illegal for the police to listen in on a lawyer consulting with her client. Such shoddy police work; no wonder metas still run rampart in Central City.

As for the Allegra “Mean Girl” storyline, the less said about that the better.

Also, his heroic moment was saving people with his powers from a problem caused by his powers. If his powers can cause mass death unintentionally, he needs some anger management classes at the very least.

Agreed. There was much shouting of “That YOU caused!” in our household. Not to mention ought to be liable for the repair of the streets, sewer system, and the car he totaled.

Perhaps he can make up for it by helping create hotspots in remote areas to serve as catalysts for geothermal power plants. :slight_smile:

The “Mean Girl” isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Allegra was already feeling a little guilty. If Taylor had congratulated her on her article, asked for more help to be able to find great stories herself, and maybe expressed self-doubt, Allegra would have felt even worse and knocked herself out to help Taylor.

That’s when Taylor could have engaged in some creative backstabbing. But as I said, she’s not a sharp knife.

S08E09 Phantoms

THE FIRE WITHIN - Barry and Team Flash get closer to figuring out the Fire Meta but no closer to finding him meanwhile Iris, needing a distraction, follows a story to Coast City.

So how did Tinya get to the Twenty-first century? Or is the name just an homage? I mean, she is my girl friend and all.

I’m glad Iris is getting out and doing reporter-type stuff, and with Sue Dearbon, to boot. (Where’s Ralph?) On the other hand, she did it at the expense of up-and-coming reporter Allegra.

More shoddy police work on the part of Barry. He really only got cracking on the Fire Meta case when one of Team Flash got directly affected. Was it really so hard to link the previous cases on the basis of their grief? Also, not a fan of Cecile narrating everything that’s going on. Such lazy, lazy writing.

S08E10 Reckless

WITH BATED BREATH - Barry’s desire to keep Team Flash safe is tested when Frost recklessly courts danger as she tries to stop the “Black Flame”, meanwhile, Iris, tries to help a teen girl reunite with her mother but unintentionally does more harm than good.

Did Iris just create a supervillain? Because that’s how you create a supervillain. Tinya’s life may not have been great before, but it’s infinitely worse after Iris stuck her nose in it.

I was wondering whether they’d ever get back to Caitlyn/Frost’s mother having powers. It’s a bit anticlimactic that they just used it as a vehicle for attracting the Black Flame meta. But that’s OK. We’ve got some character development for Frost, but more importantly we’re going to get to see the return of Ronnie Raymond.

If we can’t get Ralph back, how about expanding Sue’s role? Make her recurring rather than an occasional guest shot. She’s far more interesting than both Chester and Allegra combined.

I honestly thought you were about to propose giving Ralph’s powers to Sue.

I wasnt all that impressed by Sue using the power of money and connections to violate a rule that is in place for good reasons.

Sue doesn’t need any powers. She’s already a skilled cat burglar and she’s rich.

If not that way, they’d have asked Chester to go hack into the database. Equally illegal, same results.

I am happy to see Team Flash not do the “don’t tell teammates important information” and “go off alone to do secret risky plan” thing this week. Baby steps

Was there a reason that they needed to rush. There are probably ways to notify a birth parent anonymously that the child would like to see them which allow the birth parent some chance to prepare and consensually decide to met.

In the comics, Tinya Wazzo is Phantom Girl, and a member of the Legion of Super Heroes, set in the future, which already exists in this continuity. Since Iris has some kind of “time sickness”, I think she sent Tinya’s mother to the future, where Tinya will eventually join her.

S08E11 Resurrection

WHISPERS AND SCREAMS - Barry and Chester may have found a way to stop the “Black Flame” from hurting anyone else meanwhile Caitlin decides to handle a situation on her own, possibly putting more innocent lives in danger.

What did I say about Tinya becoming a super-villain? I think she just sent Iris into the future, a bit like her comic book storyline.

Until the very last scene, I was thinking that the subplot with the rest of Team Flash opposing Caitlin was superfluous. Did we really need another scene of Barry being wrong again? But it turns out it was Deathstorm all along. What was really superfluous was the Chester/Allegra scene. They could have just substituted another endearing Ronnie/Caitlin flashback.

S08E12 Death Rises

ALL HANDS ON DECK - With a new Meta terrorizing the city, Joe lends a hand to the local authorities, meanwhile Barry gets an assist from Cecille who helps to track the mass murderer.