The Flash Seen It Thread

And why would Christopher Reeve’s family be unhappy that people remember and recognize his best-known role? Would it be better if we all just pretended that he never was Superman?

Apparently it was, they just digitally added Helen Shaver. If they’d added new dialog, though, that would have been different. I suppose it’s nothing new.

Never said that we should ignore his time as objectively the best Superman :grin:. It just felt a little like the Tupac Hologram thing. I dunno, it just rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. And yes, I have watched the latest Spider-verse movie and I know they do kinda the same thing and I was fine with it.

Here is Chris Reeve talking about sequel-itis. I don’t think he says anything about his image being re-used, but you can tell he doesn’t like lazy filmmaking and most of what he is saying is about Superman IV.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1668778925651296257|twgr^b1db62cf1e093e6f630d1de9557b23302e0f55a7|twcon^s1_&

Why all the concern for the possible feelings of Christopher Reeve’s family but none for the family of George Reeves? He was also portrayed in this movie, and is also dead.

Probably because his immediate family is likely also dead.

True. Not to mention he allegedly hated being Superman and committed suicide because of the role (about which there are some conspiracies) I’d genuinely forgotten about his appearance. TIL the movie came out on the date of his death.

No mention of the Nic Cage Superman finally making an appearance (and fighting the giant spider)?

That was the deep cut I alluded to in the OP :slight_smile:

Why the spoiler-blur? This is the “seen it” thread, after all.

I don’t think so, I think people just stop giving a shit about a shared universe when they know its been cancelled. It’s like watching a TV show you know is not going to get an ending, why bother?

Is it decided that they’re not proceeding with the DC universe? I had not heard that. I assume that Warner Bros would like to emulate the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and I would like that as well (partly because some of my favorite characters are on the DC side). I heard that they’ve been considering actors to play Superman.

…they aren’t continuing with the Snyderverse.

DC will continue. But it will almost be a relatively clean break from the utter mess it had become. Some characters, like Peacemaker will continue. Matt Reeve’s The Batman may exist in an alt universe along with another Batman in continuity. We won’t really know until James Gunn kicks things off. And the writers strike (and looming actors strike) will probably delay everything.

Not this one, James Gunn is taking over and doing his own thing. WB does want to emulate the success of the MCU, but this was not doing that. This is supposed to be the only “end” we get.

So are the upcoming Blue Beetle and Aquaman movies this universe or something else?

Gunn says Blue Beetle will be apart of his new universe. He’s said nothing about Aquaman. I think this version is done.

There’s literally a movie coming out this year. And that Blue Beetle movie is going to bomb so hard, it looks like the most generic CW level movie that might have been acceptable before the MCU but has no business existing today.

Here’s a story about Gunn’s future plans. Apparently Aquaman will be the last of the current DC movies, with the Flash being a reset.

It does look generic, but the director has done some brilliant, much deeper work in the past. (Charm City Kings, if anyone’s seen it.) I’m hoping there’s more to it than that initial trailer.

I saw this pointed out online and thinking about it I agree with it: this was less a Multiverse Movie and more a take on Back to the Future (which they even hang a lantern on in the movie itself). The only Multiverse aspects are really the cameos in the end and the hand waving they used to cast Michael Keaton instead of using Affleck in the entire movie.

The longer I think of it the more it doesn’t sit well that Barry not only learned nothing from the whole debacle, he also abandoned his real dad who is now widowed, in jail and his son just disappeared. Also I know they deleted some of the fight but he sure gave up very fucking quick on Kara and Bruce.