The Flash Seen It Thread

I’ll say upfront I know Ezra Miller has personal issues but his portrayal of the Flash was one of the best parts of the recent DC movies so I was excited for this.

Some Spoilery thoughts
I liked it a lot. It had a light tone but the core about Barry and his Mother was very sweet.

The multiverse stuff would have probably seemed more original if the movie came out when it was originally supposed to but at least this way audiences were primed on the concept.

At least one deep cut in the Multiverse montage especially for people who read Ain’t It Cool News back in the 90s and early 2000s.

The post credits scene was a little weird and felt like it wasn’t worth waiting for.

Ezra Miller was the best part of the film. I don’t know what the issues are around him, but he was great here.

The CGI throughout was really terrible. Like really really 1990s-era everyone-looks-plastic bad. The CGI babies in the opening scene had me laughing so much.

The time travel multiverse plot made no sense. Audiences are very familiar with this concept by now, it should be written better than just “running so fast you run back in time.”

I mean, “I ran so fast ___ happened” is literally his only move.

It’s underperforming compared to Black Adam. :grimacing:

I’m sad that Sasha Calle likely won’t get to be Supergirl again, especially since she’s been doing most of the press about this movie with Miller tucked away somewhere. And the cameos were too much and sort of desperate.

Something they never resolved: who killed Barry’s mom?

I am assuming here it was random street crime but in the comics it was Reverse Flash.

The baby thing was hilarious. It was so over the top and then kept piling on . I literally laughed out loud.

The way they presented time travel for me was interesting. It was very surreal. I also had to mentally back up a step in the beginning because there was point early on where the Flash watched his younger self run past that I thought he was literally already in the past but quickly realized he was just remembering and they were being metaphorical at that point.

I have some questions that are full-blown spoilers. I’ll spoiler-box them. I actually haven’t seen it, but this was a movie I had so little interest in initially, I read spoilers. Anyway, my questions are:

Does Christopher Reeve look real when he appears? Would you have known he was fake if you didn’t have a clue who he was? Did…did he say anything?

I’m finding it borderline crazy they resurrected a dead actor for the movie. I hope his family is getting paid at least.

I’ll do what I can here

Reeve’s part could very well have been just a Cut and Paste from one of the original movies he was in. Nothing like Moff Tarkin in Rogue One, it’s not a speaking part, he doesn’t interact, it’s almost a dream sequence type of deal.

The multiverse stuff fell pretty flat with all the Marvel multiverse based works that have already come out. I guess it’s a well established plotline in Flash comics, but feels like an asteroid movie coming out right after Armageddon and Deep Impact.

I had fun watching it though, plenty of humor and a genuinely new take on time travel. I appreciate that, I’m not sure if that was part of the canon already, but it was new to me.

I saw it yesterday and had fun. The baby shower was hilarious, particularly as he first took the time to get something to eat as the babies fell.

And all of the various actors shown as Superman, Batman and so forth went by so fast, I may have missed a few. I did notice Henry Cavill, but shirtless. Perhaps that’s because he’s no longer going to play the character?

The Cavil image was from Justice League when he first came back from the dead that was why he was sans shirt.

Something I was wondering was the the Supergirl next to Reeve supposed to be Helen Slater?

Yes, I think so. Variety has an article listing all of the actors appearing as Batman and Superman.

I wonder if Michael Shannon even had to do any filming for this role. With his character being pretty much all CGI and just his face shown behind his faceshield a few times I wonder if he just did some voicework or just some face shots to cut and paste onto Zod.

Question about some of the cameos:

Aren’t Keaton/Clooney/Kilmer the same Batman? I thought those were just simple recasts, not reboots

I understand that Batman is billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne in all the iterations. But do they explain why Bruce Wayne looks like a 70-year-old Michael Keaton in one universe, and a 50-year-old Ben Affleck in another?

Yes… it has to do with spaghetti. Mild spoiler below about how time travel works.

You know how in time travel people talk about timelines diverging like the branches of a tree? You go back and change a thing, there’s now a “new branch” of the timeline where your new thing happened.

Flash time travel isn’t like that, it’s like two strands of uncooked spaghetti that cross at a point. Your influence doesn’t create a new branch where the history is unchanged, it spurs a new timeline that crosses at the fulcrum point, and can be different both before and after you changed history.

Thus, going back in time to save your mother can change Bruce Wayne’s entire history, like what he looks like, when he was born, etc.

Ii suspect their issues are a big part of why the movie is underperforming. Ezra has broken into random people’s home and beaten the residents. They have groomed minors, and kidnapped minors and hidden them from their perents. There’s more, but I noped out of watching anything ever with Ezra in it when the kidnapping came out. They sound like a truly garbage person who should be in jail.

So why didn’t they use Brandon Routh Superman, or Grant Gustin Flash? Or Kevin Conroy Batman?

All of the deepfake stuff with the cameos felt kind of icky. Like, is Chris Reeve’s family ok with that? I know he never talked, but it just was a little electro/necromancy for me. :man_shrugging:

Maybe I’m fussing too much?

It wasn’t deepfake stuff, it was actual footage.

FWIW the Reeve faux cameo got a huge round of applause in my theater.

I thought that was just an existing clip taken from a film. Is that not correct?