The Fox, the "new gangnam style" viral video by Ylvis

Far too bad to be good, and not bad enough to be enjoyable. It was insipid in all respects.

I think it’s brilliant and have since the moment I first saw it. I’m liking their other stuff too. I find it interesting that everything seems to be in English. Is that normal for Norwegian shows?

Yeah, the more I see it, the more I love the satire of pop music that it is. I especially love the “morse” bit poking fun at that stupid musical effect.

I can’t get a good enough look at them to be sure if it’s a unisex group or not, but at least some of the dancers are women - the most prominent ones have fairly obvious breasts, and I’m pretty sure at least a few of them are wearing lipstick.

My son made us sit through this last night. I told him, “I will get even with you for that.”

I have seen few things stupider in my life. I mean, anyone can make a stupid, pointless video - just look at the proof of Sturgeon’s Law that YouTube is. But to mix almost-there performance with that infantile babbling and furries and… I don’t know whether to be angry or disgusted.

So stupid.

I think treating this as akin to “Gangnam Style” is nearly an insult to PSY.

This is common Europop trash; and we know what foxes sound like, and they don’t sound like that.

Absurd is fine. But you have to have something more to distinguish yourself, surely?

Not everything. But Norwegian pop has a* lot* of English.

Oh, well, it’s all right then. Because it’s quite formulaic.


What about Norwegian comedy?

Too obviously a parody, so not as good as Gangham Style… Nowhere near as catchy!

49 seconds before I had to turn it off. Parody or not, it made me all stabby.

Also, foxes make a noise like a child being slaughtered if the ones in my neighborhood are anything to go by. An even more horrible noise than that song.

I like it. It’s catchy. And the lead singer is kinda cute when he isn’t dressed up like a thift-store furry.

I prefer their power ballad about Jan Egeland. Supposedly someone played it at a UN meeting when he was there.

Well, I think it’s a hilarious song and video. I don’t know why, but it cracked me up.

Now I understand the cryptic Facebook post from a friend last week…What does the fox say? was all she posted and none of us had a clue what she was on about.

I watched the whole thing and thought it was very funny and perfectly appropriate for my toddler grandsons.

Ylvis has a new single out - a loving tribute to their favorite place in America, which takes a hard left turn into WTF-ville near the end.

You mean that it didn’t start out in WTF-ville for you?

Even without the butchered pronunciations, or the totally fucked up spelling of Massachusetts, the thing was total WTF-ery from about the first ten seconds. BTW, that was not City Hall. Just to be clear.

I think the WTF was there for the whole thing.

But you could walk to City Hall from there in less than five minutes!

Anyway, I don’t get the joke, but it was fun to see some local scenes. And even a shout-out to my neighbors in Attleboro!

Funny how so many folks don’t get it. But then again, I didn’t at first. I was a bit dumbstruck. Not 'til after Stonehenge did I get it. And after revisiting Fox suddenly found it funny, stupid and even deeper than I realized. I think it’s the high production value that at first fools you into thinking it’s a song that somebody is passing as legitimate pop music.

And discovering Ylvis is an irreverent comedy group clinches it.
“…and the seal goes ow, ow, ow”. Even a bit eerie in some places.

I had too much chocolate. Sorry. Excuse the non-post.