The page is in French…but you don’t have to be able to read french to appreciate it…
Actually, you’d better not read french to appreciate it. Otherwise, you might actually read what’s written on the cards. The “reseau voltaire” is a very peculiar infos network (it publishes an info letter) and see its job as undiscovering various conspiracies in the establishment at large (being the french, the american, the business, the religious, etc…establishment). Though it might on occasion disclose interesting infos (about relationships various influence group might have, for instance), what they write, is, IMO, to be taken with several cupfull of salt, and quite commonly outrageous.
Interesting & amusing. Thanks!
I don’t speak French so could someone explain to me why the 8 of hearts is Newt Gingrich? What does his card say?
How is he supposed to fit into all of this? He’s been out of public office for a few years now.
Sure, but Newt has remained a ruling member of the Illuminati for years and… and I’ve said to much!
Runs back to secret Republican headquarters
I’m surprised Colin Powell isn’t an ace. He’s certainly been aced out of enough things.
I kill me!!
This is actually pretty accurate for the Voltaire boys. They imply that Newt is head of the CLI (with the verb “anime”) but in fact, he’s just on the advisory board.
These were the guys who claimed that the US government shot a missile into the Pentagon. Like Clairobscur said, it’s really, really for the best that most dopers can’t read their site.