The Funniest Video I've seen in a while

This is a classic - a ‘bollywood’ Indian music video, with subtitles by someone who translates as if they are speaking english.

I know it sounds crazy, but trust me. Watch the video.

So that’s what George Micheal’s been up to! Why does he always surround himself with hot chicks? I mean, it’s not like they do anything for him. Oh, wait a minute! Now I know what he’s up to! He’s trying to get guys hot and bothered, so they’ll associate being horny with seeing him and then they’ll have teh gay! :eek:

Bollywood mystifies me.

I wonder what the lyrics actually mean?

Maybe Anaamika will be kind enough to stop by and translate it for us.

It’s a Diwali miracle!


This has the potential to be another “All Your Base Are Belong to Us”.

I don’t know about you, but my loony bun is fine, and Benny Lava can just deal with it.

For great justice,

Soooooooo funny! :smiley: […wiping tears…]

Wow, that was beautiful, man!

Have you been high today? :stuck_out_tongue:

“Who put the goat in there?”
Words to live by.

That video made the rounds of several other forums I visit about a year ago. This one was also quite popular:

Tunak Tunak Tun by Daler Mehndi.

Also in case anyone wants to watch the video in the OP without subtitles, here’s another link:

Some points of Observation:

1- OMG funney.

2- That girl was SMOKING HOT!

3- India is hilarious.

Their clothes are different from my clothes!

Well, I’m here, but it’s not Hindi, so I have no idea what they’re saying. It sounds like Tamil or Telegu, so you need a South Indian person. Sorry.

Here’s one you might like better:

Aishwarya Rai

Taking foreign lyrics and interpreting them as if they were English words is nothing new- they are popular subjects for Animutaions and YTMNDs. One of my personal favorites is the Finnish theme from DuckTales, which includes the lyric, “What’s the problem, Taco Nazi? You know you can always count on Lassie.”


“Poop on me, Oliver!”

While this is amusing enough, nothing compares to the awesomeness of the original version: Yatta!


(You know you spend too much time on the internet when you go to google “luleelurah” and spell it correctly the first time.)

I laughed really hard. Also, Troy I was dismayed when the author of that video did not go with the easy “drop a whore” line, instead opting for “drop a hole.” Then he hit it in the second chorus. :smiley: