The GAP - a new low in political correctness

You ain’t missing much. I wonder if this ad is circulating amongst such people who would like to foster the impression that America is at war with Islam. Double plus un-good.

But I’m inclined to be at least a little charitable. This fellow clearly has issues with his parents, as would I if mine had named me Vern Fonk.

The AFA is asking for your input whether they should lift the Gap boycott . Naturally, it’s not going well.

That is a great ad! What does he say after Kwaanza?

The only thing missing was a Wilford Brimley DIE-A-BEET-US wish.

Yeah, and breakfast is pretty fucking important during Ramadan. Breakfast at 4am before the sun comes up, but still.

Lands’ End sells pants with custom hemming for no extra charge, in quarter-inch increments from 26" to 36". Mr Neville has the same inseam as you do, so I end up buying most of his pants from Lands’ End. They’re good quality pants, too. We’re both geeks who live in our own little world totally ignorant of fashion, so I can’t speak for how fashionable they are.

From his appearance, I sort of assumed it would end on a Satanist note. :smiley:

Did I mention how hard it is being short and thin? :stuck_out_tongue:

Suck it up. Try **tall **and thin. (I can occasionally find pants that fit okay, but dress shirts are nigh-impossible. I’m about to bit the bullet and just have a few made, because I’m sick of the darts always ending up like six inches above my actual breasts.) The only thing worse than tall and thin is tall and fat. Moral of the story: it’s easier to have clothes taken in than to have them let out.

Tell that to the British.

Or the Scorpions for that matter.

Is this ad seen outside of Washington state? Is he located elsewhere in the USA?