The gods of root beer smiled on me yesterday.

In Minnesota there is a root beer which is better even than IBC.
It is 1919, but it is only available in a keg. When we have parties, we get a keg and it goes quick.

I like most all root beers, but I have to stay away from Barq’s because of the caffeine.

I really liked the Boot Rear quote.

Now if you could pull that off at the ATM would you go around handing 20s to everyone?

All rootbeers pale in comparision to that sweet eldritch nectar of the Great Old Ones, ** Dr Pepper.**

Pah! A&W is smegma compared to IBC, Sprechers, or Berghoff. Those are truly Root Beers for eternity.

I refuse to debase them with ice cream. Keep them separate and enjoy them in turns.

Oh, and never trust a root beer labelled “natural.” It’s just not right.

Sig away! :slight_smile:

Shite! Barq’s has caffeine? I knew there was a reason I never liked that stuff. The caffeine must be why it’s got an acid edge to it that you don’t find in the others. Are there any other caffeinated rootbeers?

Fun fact relating to Jews, dew and dialects: There’s a version of the Australian accent (and possibly others?) where ‘dew/due’ sounds exactly like ‘jew’.

Fun fact relating to root beer in Australia: it’s fricking hard to find any, and this annoys me. I would guess most Australians wouldn’t really know what root beer is to begin with (perhaps thinking it to be simply normal beer that makes you more likely to have sex). My local supermarket, in its ‘artsy fartsy imported foods’ section, has some kind of ‘organic root beer’. It’s very expensive and isn’t good for drinking. The only other option, really, is to go all the way down to the specialist American food store, which I don’t like to do because it’s a vaguely unsettling shop.

So if I were to come across a vending machine that spewed forth a plethora of root beer cans, I think I too would shout “HOLY CRAP!”, but I would then gather up all the cans and run home, giggling madly.

Does any one else think of root beer as a “heavy” soda?