May I simply say… ew?
Does anyone really think this won’t be a tank on the level of Madonna/Guy Ritchie’s Swept Away?
May I simply say… ew?
Does anyone really think this won’t be a tank on the level of Madonna/Guy Ritchie’s Swept Away?
Pass me a cloth - I just spat my drink onto the screen reading this thread title…
They’ve gotta be kidding. I had a number of jokes lined up (like * next don’t miss Paul Walker in Citizen Kane II*) but then I realised the whole thing is a joke. I can’t see this happening…but I have been wrong before, a short while ago I thought the video Dirty would hurt Christina Aguilara’s career…
They’d be much better in Sunset Boulevard . . . With Bruce Willis as Max. “I was Madame’s first husband . . .”
(updated version)
“I’ve got one word for you…Silicone.”
The very thought of Kutcher trying to spit out the line “Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?” provoked a strange gagging reflex and a dry heave.
I’m not going to read the link. It is something I mustn’t know.
I think it was this bit that got me:
And then Demi will point out the cameras and tell Ashton that he’s just been “punk’d” and a good laugh will be had by all.
The* Daily Star* has aspirations to authenticity like the National Enquirer has aspirations to be the Newspaper of Record.
So, as much as I understand – and I surely do - how Demi Moore’s gaze may cause grown men of any age to abandon empires, a snip in the Daily Star is no basis for believing a film is going to happen.
Please, please, if there is a God, please no, please no, please NO!!!
Who’s up for the role of Elaine, Hilary Duff?