The Great 2012 SDMB Summer Postcard Exchange!

Finally remembered to take them and mail them when I left my office for lunch. So, sent!

Just got my first card! Elendil’s Heir wins the prize.

His card is a nice view of the Cleveland skyline, with very appropos stampage.

Hey, I just sent off my postcards – ahead of deadline :smiley:

The lucky recipients are located in:
& the U.S. of A. :cool:

Elendil’s Heir is my first postcard, too!


Got home last night. Today, went out to the mail and found a card all the way from Sydney! That you Cunctator! Now I need to find a way back to Sydney (haven’t been since the late 90s when the company would send me regularly).

The card also reminded me to write my own. Dug through the office to find my stash, then to find my stamps, then to loop up international rates, then to write something appropriately Dopey.

Cards are away!

Well, my first one’s from ~Olive~! That was a fast trip from Hawaii(I think the postmark says Honolulu :slight_smile: )
Which reminds me of a conversation I overheard today when I went to mail mine. The campus PO is staffed by students and after I bought my stamps they continued talking to each other. One of them said “I don’t get why it costs the same to mail something to Hawaii - where I really want to go by the way - as it does to mail it one state over. I know Hawaii’s the same country, but it still seems like it should cost more”.

I didn’t know what to say or the reason, so I just kept my mouth shut and acted like I hadn’t heard.

That was quicker than I expected. I posted them on Monday afternoon here (i.e. late Sunday night your time). So that means it’s taken less than 4 days for delivery.

I got a cool card from silenus today. Thanks!

Wrote mine up this evening and took them to the post office. First pick-up tomorrow is 9 a.m.

I aim to please.

I got my first card today, from JoseB. It has a lovely picture of parliament complex in The Hague, it’s somewhere I’ve never been but I’m putting it on my list of places I now want to visit!

Took mine yesterday but I think I missed the blue box cut off so they probably “officially” went out today.

Sent mine out this morning.

I put the card in the slot to get a local postmark, it shouldn’t say Honolulu. The postmaster was on holiday. Strangers were working last week.

It’s kind of blurry, so I was taking a guess and don’t really know what it says. :slight_smile: But it’s a lovely postcard.

Unlike Cunctator, I have worked the precepts of Fabius Maximus into my daily life, and have just now posted my cards!

End of the work week so I filled them out and toddled down the street to the postal outlet in the mall - off they go, complete with winter stamps left over from Christmas a few years ago.

I am dropping mine in the mailbox tonight, so they will be winging their ways in tomorrow’s mail.

I did get my first postcard today, from Anaamika! (Made me feel a bit lazy, getting one before I posted mine!)

That is the sign of a slacker. :stuck_out_tongue:

My cards fo Lsura and Northern Piper went out in Thursday’s mail. The card for ~Olive~ went out in today’s mail becuase I had some more letters to post and that card had drifted to the back of the mailbox.

In Friday’s mail I got a card from Silenus.

Thanks for the updates, everyone!

And for those who’ve not yet posted your cards (you know who you are :wink: ), remember, you only have 3 days to avoid the Outer Pit …

Got IvoryTowerDenizen’s card from New York yesterday, and ~Olive~'s from Hawaii today. Very nice. Many thanks to you both!