The Great Ongoing Guitar Thread

sounds easy doesnt it? edit, well the first part,just to play basic rhythm on the dobro, I think anyone can do it

this came yesterday, sounds great. I exchanged it for a the Recording King, for $75 more I get 2 pickups.

Unfortunately might have to exchange this one, rattle and buzz when playing D string. All screws seem tight, my guitar shop said it might be some sort of rod or something inside, can’t remember the term

I am still in shock. My brother gave me a Martin D28 for Christmas. If this doesn’t inspire me to practice…

Damn, we need a Like button. Happy Guitar Day, Mike!

Heheeh, woah dang, very nice gift.

My darling knows the kind of guitarist I am, and she’s always an assassin at gift giving. I have a $100 Epiphone I bought around 20 years ago, I tuned it to open D, and that’s all the acoustic I can handle.

She’d asked me about a few pedals I’d want in the past year, but I really didn’t think she’d get one of them for me. I’m picky to an extent, she’s a careful lady, and I really try to buy used or very inexpensive clones of a certain circuit design these days. But she was wise as usual and picked two pedals I wanted that would probably never have an inexpensive copy, and I really probably would never actually buy for myself no matter how much I salivated after them.

The Surfybear is a real spring reverb tank in a (wide ass) pedal, and it’s more flexible than even an external Fender unit. It really does seem to be the spring reverb of my dreams. Lifetime warranty on everything but the spring tank and the power supply, to boot!

The Deathray* is a square wave fuzz with a sweepable frequency divider (yeah, I barely understand that myself). But with an expression pedal, it’s an extremely nasty fuzz with a wah in the middle of it. If you don’t use an expression pedal (or you just leave it in one spot), it’s like a fuzz with a wah cocked in a certain position. The best part of this pedal is the LEDs in the eyes are the LEDs that provide the clipping. I’m a complete sucker for functional pretty flashing lights. Plus - ACK ACK ACK ACK, ACK ACK ACK!

*I must add: It is a 2020’s style death ray.

Surfybear = Huge thumbs up. Wow, a full tank in a pedal. Your lady loves you quite a lot!
Deathray = wow, she really puts up with your shit, doesn’t she? Ick.

Heheheeh, indeed she does. In fact, the mad woman kind of encourages it. :clown_face:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Göran Söllscher has a YouTube channel!

My little Xmas jam … something to entertain my mom in Florida since I couldn’t be down there this year.

Guy builds an electric guitar in the woods! Very impressive - I’m appropriately impressed.

I have just found there is a way (this is not news to most people probably) that you can get it to display on a computer screen (or TV if computer is connected of course). You just need the Your Phone Companion app. I use it to display the video, and bluetooth for sound. This would be great for two or more players.

I picked up a vintage Boss Tu-12 chromatic tuner. I have been trying to get by with Android tuning Apps. I’ve tried several and they’ve been very frustrating. Tune the open strings and the fretted notes are 15 or more cents off. I get very frustrated with the D chord. I hate it when the 4th string is out of tune with the fretted D note on the 2nd string. Same with the G chord. The G notes on the 1st,3rd, and 6th strings have to be in tune with each other.

I figured out that the overtones are confusing the phone apps. I think they are averaging the varying pitch and giving a misleading value.

I’m loving the analog meter on the boss. I can see clearly when the needle is reacting to overtones.

I always tune with open strings and then fretted notes. My result is so much better with the boss.

I play using custom piano backing tracks. The notes ring out so much clearer when I’m in tune.

I tried the phone app after tuning with the Boss. The phone app says I’m in tune (within 2 or 3 cents). It reads accurately when the strings are already in tune. I spent a frustrating year trying to use them exclusively.

It is convenient to tune with our phones. I plan to continue carrying a real tuner in my gig bag.

Are you tuning twice? Isn’t this an intonation issue?

I thought it might be intonation. But all my acoustic guitars had the same issue.

Most tuner Apps show a green box when it’s in tune. Red boxes on each side for flat or sharp.

I’d tune my open strings and the chords sounded terrible. I’d have to tweak the strings and get the fretted notes correct. That always meant the open B string was 10 to 15 cents flat.

I got fed up with wasting 15 mins tuning. I found a Boss TU-12 on eBay. It must be at least 20 years old. Tunes like a dream. I tune the open strings. Check the fretted notes and they’re within 2 cents. Chords ring out cleanly. I’m tuned and ready to play in under 5 mins.

A phone tuner App works ok. I’m surprised at how much better and faster I can tune with a vintage tuner.

I think the phone App tries to average the pitch. You get harmonics and overtones when you play a string.

I haven’t played my electric in a long time.

You can set intonation with the adjustable saddles. It’s a lot easier than acoustic. Tuner pedal plugs in and it’s reading the original signal from the pickups.

I’m with you up to here. Only one setting at a time.

Here is where you lose me. The tuner can’t affect the guitar. If it was in tune (open) then that was the same no matter what tuner is used no? Are you saying the tuner was wrong and a vintage one is more accurate? (I use a snark myself)

Yes. The Android tuner App isn’t as accurate.

Your Snark is probably better than a phone App. More accurate.

I’ve gotten spoiled by modern tech. I can remember when we tuned by ear. We’d get the lady at church to play the notes on the piano. We tuned the best that we could. The church piano was probably not completely in tune. It was expensive to hire someone to tune them.

Modern tuners are wonderful.

I remember a friend and I just tuning to each other. Who knows how far off they were.

In the spirit of the Polls only, no discussion thread, how do you pronounce “capo”?

  • Kaa po - first syllable rhymes with ‘cat’
  • Kay po - first syllable rhymes with ‘pay’
  • Kah po - first syllable rhymes with ‘cot’

0 voters

Hint: all three pronunciations are correct.