Pepper Mill took MilliCal shopping yesterday, and MilliCal insisted on stopping at McDonald’s. Ronald McDonakld was there, so she got an autograph and a book on traffic safety.
I looked through the book after they got home, and noticed something odd. I held up the back cover in front of Pepper Mill and said “Abbey Road”.
She saw it instantly. There are four McDonald’s characters crossing a road at a crosswalk. It looks just like the cover of the Beatles’ album.
“Oh, my God, you’re right! The cars are even parked on the wrong side of the road!”
(Actually, I hadn’t been sharp enough to catch that. But it’s true – they’re parked on the left side, not the right. And there’s a Beetle-sized car right where there’s one on the album cover.)
“Yes, I said,” Grimmis is Dead!"
“He’s not the only one walking barefoot,” Pepper observed.
So there it is – McDonald’s used Abbey Road as a guide to the back cover of a book on road safety. Was this unintentional? Or did some cartoonist try slip one by the McDonald’s folks?