The Grinch - again

So, did anyone see the latest production of The Grinch?

I laughed a lot during the first act, but I found the humor fell short as it went along. I did like the animation and characters, though the Grinch’s motivations seemed not well done. I wonder if a writer thought they needed more doubt in him to have his attitude change so readily at the end.

I hate that Dr. Seuss (or at least his Grinch) has been turned into just another franchise to be exploited endlessly and I refuse to participate.

^ That makes two.

I agree with the OP and Snowbo.

The animation / graphics (not even sure of the correct term here) is stunning, imo. The sparkle of the snow, every fiber of the sweaters, the way the grinch’s alfalfa sprout waves in the wind (on top of his head, you pervs) is a wonder. Max the dog is as cute as can be (EVERY kid is going to want a stuffed version). Heck, Mr. G himself is almost too cute to hate. I also liked the reworked version of the song, though nothing beats the original. Also, I really want to vacation in Whoville, and stay in one of those Seussian houses and travel around by innertube!

What I could do without is Cindylou Who and her family drama. I suppose they felt they had to fill the film with some kind of story to make it 90 minutes (?) but must we bring the plight of the single, harried parent into it? If we have to get to know the people of Whoville, just show them at play, or working in their stores, or better yet, give us more Mr. Bricklebaum (Kenan Thompson). Also don’t need to know why Grinch is the way he is; he just* is*. At least we didn’t have to cringe through the stupid backstory scenes like in the Jim Carey movie. So, yes, another exploitation of a classic, that could have been better but could also have been so much worse (again, see the Jim Carey version).

Not quite three here. I just don’t feel there is anything more to add. HtGSC! is 26 minutes of perfection.

No one in the history of literature (past, present or future) will ever top:

You’re a three-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich–WITH ARSENIC SAUCE!

Agreed. Chuck Jones, Boris Karloff, Thurl Ravenscroft, June Foray - a combination that can’t be topped.

^ Need to add Albert Hague; the music is sublime.

Friend of mine took his kids to see it and reported back it was unfunny and boring. Even the kids didn’t like and kids usually like anything animated. I was unconvinced a good feature length film about the Grinch could be made and I remain so, having not actually seen it myself.

I was just checking out the original on YouTube, and I was struck once again by the amazing work of Chuck Jones and team. The way they used animation to show character is beyond compare.

I will chime in with not needing 3 versions of the same story. I don’t understand why new stories aren’t allowed a chance.

To that end, I highly recommend “Prep & Landing” and its sequel by ABC/Disney from a couple of years back. It is a great moral tale with some great visual candy as well as comedy mixed in. Few people have seen it, but it is the #1 holiday show in our house every year! THURSDAY, DEC. 13 (8:00-8:30 p.m. EST), on The ABC this year. I promise that it will become a tradition in your house too.

I agree new stories should be given a chance. But, does anyone remember the other Grinch special? Or, why does no one speaks as fondly of My Summer Story as they do its more famous forebear? Sometimes, lightning only strikes once.

I wish they had made a series of Peanuts Christmas specials. There were enough comics on point that could have supported several specials. Pre-home video, it would have been fun to have them rotate - which one will we get this year?

That will always be the ONLY Grinch as far as I’m concerned.

I was told that if you like illumination’s other stuff despicable me minions ect you’ll like the Grinch since its the same style of humor ……

I saw it tonight with a friend…and I liked it. A lot.

It couldn’t live up to the original special–what could?–but it was overall way, WAY more appealing than the Jim Carrey version. This Whoville, unlike the live-action one, was a place I’d like to visit. And Cindy Lou Who seemed like an actual KID, not a precocious Hollywood child. Benedict Cumberbatch did a wonderful job capturing the vulnerability beneath the surface nastiness. And Max was too cute for words.

The crux of the matter lies in the question, “if the Chuck Jones version had never existed, if this were the very first adaptation of the Dr. Seuss book, would I still like it?” I would not say that of the Jim Carrey version. I would say it of this one.

they made 3 1/2 more
1 is the original

2 is “its Christmas time again charlie brown”

3 is "I want a dog for Christmas charlie brown "

the 1/2 is “Christmas tales” thats usually on the dvds as a bonus its just a collection of 2 minute xmas jokes and one liners ……

'tis the seaon again:

Dr. Seuss’ Beowulf

Wow. How did I miss them? I’ll have to find them and try them out.