The guy that ran over Stephen King last year was found dead at his home in Maine. No signs of foul play. That’s just too weird…sound like a Stephen King story, in fact :eek:.
Too bad he didn’t get a second chance.
Maybe he committed suicide. I mean, would you be able to go through life being known only as “The Guy That Ran Over Stephen King”?
This remindas me of the Family Guy episode where Peter runs over some guy. He leand out the window and says “Are you Stephen King?” The guy says “No, I’m Dean Koontz”, and Peter runs over him again!
Oh, man…I caught the very tail end of a news report this afternoon. “…Stephen King was found dead in his home in Maine last night.”
I thought KING was the one who’d died. Cripes, no wonder I couldn’t find anything about it online.
Stephen King is not allowed to die until he finishes the Dark Tower series.
He’s gonna live forever at this rate. Geez. Can we please have part 5 please? Please please?
Well, it looks like we’re going to have to find someone else to finish the job.
If he hadn’t run over King, his death would have gone unnoticed so it’s not really wierd.
We only heard about him because he ran over King, but IIRC he’d had some problems before. Nothing insightful to add, except it’s a pity for all concerned. His existing problems were magnified under the kleig-light glare of publicity for running down a popular author, and now King will have more brouhaha to handle on top of everything else.
Now this is really stupid…I hope there’s family to take in his dog, the one who supposedly distracted him in the car. Whatever insanities and complications humans inflict on ourselves, betcha the woofer is the most innocent.
The guy who works for me owns a serial killers dog. The s/k lived behind my employee’s house. When he went to prison his wife and kid moved and didn’t want the dog anymore. It’s a great pooch- it’s not his fault people are crazy.
** Gunslinger, ** my computer conked out on your link, and now I’m searching for a news story about this. I’m using Bryan Smith’s name, Stephen King’s name, and STILL NOTHING.
If you find another link, would you please post it too??
Cause of death unknown, an autopsy is planned. The news is too recent to be in the current online edition of the Bangor Daily News, but it should be the top story there when Sunday’s edition appears in a few hours. A very brief update is here.
I can’t say I’m very sorry for the bastard. My guess would be that he drank himself to death. He had many license suspensions over the years, including several for drunk driving. The f***ing Secretary of State’s office in Augusta kept giving him his license back, though. IIRC Smith agreed to give up his license after almost killing King, but only because King threatened to sue him. As a Maine driver I’m outraged that idiots like that can keep their licenses.
Apparently the Bangor Daily News does not have a Sunday edition. But the Portland Press Herald does. It will be a few hours before their Sunday edition is online.
Checking back as the twit who worried about the dog…
Never belived–or wanted to accept–booze as a disease. And still don’t, after the living hell of (probably stupidly) loved husband drink himself into disgrace and lonely death. There’s no hell like watching helplessly while a sworn lifemate sees winged invaders, bats, the stuff of nightmares bubbling up in DT’s.
Hell has more layers than is commonly believed, the worst, selfishly speaking, involve watching the descent into the pit of a fellow human. Marriage, friendship, human obligation all dictate “summoning back”.
Stephen King faced the same demons: read The Shining, eating aspirin dry, and look to his words for real demons faced. I can’t think of anyone I admire more. Ain’t a lit groupie, but he and his supremely gifted wife have scrabbled gems from their kleig-light lives.
The Man In The Car? Think for one moment he wasn’t human? That King doesn’t understand on the most visceral level who he was? King is a pro at confronting demons, but there are limits.
He’s faced blindness, the best/worst/most absurd fame could toss forth…
I worry that a too human, fallible, magnificent fabulist may take this latest tragedy to heart, because he’s prone to dreading doppelangers anyway.
I’m grieved for the lost life, who tossed substance away in slavery to needs King surmounted…but stupidly I grieve most for the loyal dog who muddled through inexplicable idiocies and offered the truest, whole-hearted, nonjudgmental love.
Wishing love solved things…and off to play w/ the pup,
My god. This is too weird. I mean, it’s not that weird, because as someone else said, if he hadn’t run over SK, we wouldn’t have found out about his death or thought it weird…but still. It does feel like this is something out of a book…and its just so random. I wasn’t sure you were serious, Gun, but I found it somewhere online. (Hey I believe you! I just had to make sure!)
That would’ve been so scary for me to have heard the last part of the report- “Stephen King found dead in his…” instead of “the guy who ran over Stephen King found dead…”-I’d have gone crazy if that had happened…
True, it doesn’t. They get a weekend edition that covers both Saturday and Sunday. They do get both days worth of comics, however.
(My in-laws live in the Bangor area is how I know.)
Thanks for the link, ** bibliophage, ** I did check by the Bangor, Maine material, but it sounded like this happened yesterday, so possibly I was doing it wrong too.
Veb, somehow, you have the ability to tell in a couple of paragraphs not only of human failings and fallibility but tell it in such a way as to evoke deep emotional responses. I admire that a great deal.
Have fun with the puppy.
Didn’t Mrs. King go up to him after his court case and whisper, “Thinner!” :D:D