There was a thread on the use of the “Valentine’ Day” heart in some game thingy earlier, which got me thinking, why and how did that symbol get to coming around? When the heart is actually so not like the pendants you gift your girlfriend.
Zero replies? How lamentable does this get?
Give it more then 20 minutes maybe?
(Yes, I know I didn’t answer your query :D)
Impatient are we? And unable to use google?Check Here
In 21 minutes? Not very lamentable at all. You must learn patience, grasshopper.
Here’s How come valentine hearts don’t look anything like real hearts?, to start you off at least.
So how long should i give it
Well, from The Straight Dope FAQ (concerning questions asked of Cecil himself):
I think after nine years you could bump the thread.
Nine? I was thinking more like thirteen. but nine is fine.
thanx for the link pyscomonkey.
MEbuckner, did i not thank you as well?