The Hearthstone Thread

So, I’ve just gotten into this, and did a search on the forum (there is only one forum on the internet), and what do I find?

So I’m remedying that. :wink: I’m sure there are other Hearthstone players out there! How are yall doing? Getting ruined by Hunters like everyone else? I’m starting with a controlish temp Rogue deck, and I have to say, it’s pretty fun so far. More streamlined than magic, and more restricted for it, but at the same time much easier for a CCG newbie like me.


Man, that thread is so 2013.

Looks like they changed some of the character names since beta. Most of the rest of it sounds pretty familiar, though.

It took me awhile to twig to the fact that the spinning chooser always lands on worthy opponent. It’s only there to take up time while things load.

I always want it to land on “paste-eater”, but it never does!

The Priests that I’ve come up against seem to be the hardest for most characters to deal with. My Priest, of course, isn’t nearly as bad ass, yet. During the practice rounds, one of my kids advised me to pit the Paladin against the Priest, which seemed to work fairly well. You only know what kind of character you’ll be fighting during practice rounds, though.

Can anyone who’s leveled up tell me if it’s true that the Priest has an advantage against most of the other character types?

My vote for a card that’s maybe not worth it - the Priest gets a 10 mana card that lets him pull a copy of a random card from the other person’s hand into his. I don’t remember the name of it. I put both in when I got them, but they haven’t done anything spectacular and they take up card slots that could be used some time before your 10th turn.

I’m down to only one in the deck, and it still hasn’t impressed me.

Oh, how closely do you think it matches you to other players? When most of my characters were 10th level, I don’t think I got many 10 or below level opponents.

I’m using three decks at the moment: a Hunter beast deck most notable by the absence of Unleash the Hounds; a Rogue pirate/knives deck and a Warrior 3 power or less charge deck.

You’re confusing two different cards. The one that copies a card from their hand (Mind Vision) only costs 1 mana. The one that costs 10 mana (Mind Control) steals control of an enemy minion of your choice.

I tried it out, but was quickly bored by it. While “simpler than M:tG” is probably a good thing for a novice to collectible card games, it doesn’t hold much appeal for someone who’s already familiar with and enjoys M:tG.

Oh, and in Magic, at least, it’s accepted wisdom that any card that costs more than six or seven mana needs to be good enough to nearly guarantee your victory all by itself or it’s not worth it, and anything that costs 10 is only worth it if you can “cheat” it out (that is, use it without actually paying its cost). For comparison, stealing an enemy creature is usually priced at about 4, for a Magic card.

I’ve been playing Magic since Revised, and I was up 'til four AM last night playing Hearthstone.

I’m a big fan of this game. It’s even managed to sneak 20 bucks or so out of my wallet, and I almost never pay real money on these types of games.

This is a good site for tips, though it hasn’t been updated in a while.

From what I understand, the best way to really learn the meta is to watch some of the twitch streams. The Penny Arcade dudes recommended this guy.

Being a slower format isn’t automatically worse. Ten mana in Hearthstone is worth less than ten mana in Magic, if for no other reason than because Hearthstone effectively has guaranteed land drops while Magic puts you at the mercy of your topdeck by three or four mana.

I would also recommend TotalBiscuit, but that’s more for entertainment than to learn how to win.

Trump is pretty awesome and has an extensive collection of videos on his youtube channel.

Priest is actually probably the weakest class in constructed-deck play (I think they’re all pretty balanced in Arena/sealed deck). Consensus seems to be that the strongest top-level classes are warlock, druid, and warrior, followed by hunter, rogue, and paladin, with mage, shaman, and priest trailing. I’ve been playing more or less every day since late in the closed beta and now have enough stuff to make any deck but one of those 10-legendary-dudes decks.

Without UTH? WHy???

Trump’s youtube channel looks interesting! I’ve been trying to find youtube channels with commented replays or such, I never have the time to catch the streams live and I can’t cache twitch VODs like I can with youtube for offline viewing.

I’m not really enjoying arena the first time I played, to be honest. It seems like kind of a hodgepodge brawl, but maybe I just don’t know the value of cards yet.

Because people hate playing against Unleash the Hounds. It provides an obscene amount of utility for only two mana - it draws cards, does damage (doubled or tripled by wolves or Leokk) and buffs your Hyena, all on the turn it enters play.

Well… gotta say, good job, but that’s definitely gimping yourself. Do you find hunters good even without Unleash the Hounds? I’m sure they’re at least viable, but maybe drop to mid-tier.

There are certainly times when the lack of board clear is a problem, but I’m fairly certain the deck wins more than it loses.

Heh. My favourite is A-cardish-Ian.

TotalBiscuit is only entertaining if you don’t know how to play. Once you’ve been playing for even a little while, he makes you cringe so many times it hurts. Trump, on the other hand, is a really good player, surprisingly entertaining and excellent to watch if you want to learn how to play.

The strongest class in constructed right now is almost certainly Hunter(with the new mid-range variant), followed by Warlock. The recent nerfs to Tinkmaster Overspark and Nat Pagle have both made Druid much worse than it used to be.

I personally prefer playing arena much more than constructed. It has more variety and is fun in a new way each time. And for some reason, I have a weakness for Priest. I find his mechanic - healing minions and helping them survive, appeals to me in some strange leftover from tactical and RTS games.

Tabby Cat - If you like constructed play, Trump has done two or three ‘Free to play’ series, where he starts a new account, and takes a class from the bottom to Legend rank. Those might interest you.