I word-searched my ecopy of “The Hobbit”.
“Wife” appears 3 times, once referring to the legend that a Took had taken a fairy-wife, once referring to Girion’s wife, once referring to the wife of Carc the raven.
“Wives” appears once, referring to the Woodmen’s wives.
“Women” appears twice, referring to women in Laketown.
“Girl” appears once, referring to hobbit-girls.
“Belladonna” appears 4 times, at all times referring to Belladonna Took.
“Mother” is referred to, specifically as Fili & Kili’s mother, Gollum’s grandmother, and Bilbo’s mother.
“Niece” is referred to, both as Bilbo’s nieces and the dwarves’ nieces.
“She” is used once, to refer to Bilbo’s mother.
“Her” is used 4 times, 3 to refer to Bilbo’s mother, once in an elven song doubtless referring to Varda.
“Princesses” is used once, to describe characters in a Gandalf story.
No “woman”, “girl”, “lady”, “Lobelia”, “Dis”, “queen”, “matron”, “sister”, “female”, “feminine” or “wench” (okay that one was a long-shot).
No “Galadriel” either. Of course.
So while references to to females are scarce, they’re not completely absent.