The Icky Frozen Roasted Corn at Trader Joe's

I like frozen corn. I like roasted vegetables. So therefore, I assumed I’d like the frozen roasted corn from Trader Joe’s. (I still love that store, but they’re bound to have a miss once in a while.)

I tried to heat some up…and this stuff is nasty It smells like the bowl of a pot pipe.

I’m going to return it posthaste.

However, hooray for their stupendous staff and their nice return policies. I can’t say enough good stuff about Trader Joes… well, except that their Joe Joe cookies (the ones that are like vanilla oreos) are freakin’ addictive.

Can’t forget the chocolate raspberry sticks. :slight_smile:

I’m with you both - don’t get me started talking up TJ’s, I’d be here all afternoon.

Try the Cocoa Almonds. <EG> :smiley:

Yeah - that corn actually sucks. The first bag of it I ever bought I liked. Since then it has tasted more like char than anything else. Ick.

Love the soycotash, though!

(sobs in corner from lack of Trader Joe’s)

They have something new, or at least new to me, that I found last week. Sunflower kernels wrapped in chocolate and a candy shell. They’re my new addiction. Itty-bitty pieces of candy crack.

Ahh, but did you taste it?

I happen to like it very much. In fact, I’ll have some tonight.

That store was our best discovery of 2005. I like the chips, salsa, cheddar, frozen fish, chicken shumai, piroshkies, sourdough bread, crumbled feta, Belgian chocolate and a few dozen other items I’m forgetting.

I’m sorry about your corn. We had great frozen pea pods from there about a month ago.

I will be returning the corn today. I still love Trader Joe’s and go there about once a week. I can’t get enough of their spicy peach salsa. And yes, I know they’ll take the corn back. They’re pretty cool there. I picked up some fresh raspberries there, one time, and the clerk noticed that some of the ones in the box were crushed. She got me some more and told me to take the crushed ones (for free) because they were just going to throw them out anyway, and I could put them in a smoothie or something.

I hate you people. We’ve got Trader Joe’s in Philly, but I’m not driving two hours to go.

I live in a cultural backwater. sob


Since I left L.A., the closest Trader Joe’s is 80 miles away. :frowning:

*Since I left L.A., the closest Trader Joe’s is 80 miles away. *

–OP by Johnny L.A.

That’s too bad. My brother and sister in Toledo Ohio, look forward to getting food items from Trader Joe’s at Christmas from me. Their nearest T.J.'s is in Ann Arbor, Michigan…also 80 miles away.

My nearest one is a twelve-hour round trip. Sob. Oh oh oh! Is there a TJ’s in Washington D.C.? We have friends visiting from there next month and I’m running dangerously low on cocoa almonds.

A. There’s no way its 80 miles from Ann Arbor to Toledo. I used to drive that route often and it only takes an hour. I don’t drive 120 mph!
B. If I can drive to Tony Packo’s in Toledo for dinner several times a month, she can manage a pilgrimage into Ann Arbor every now and again. It’s not on the dark side of the moon. The TJ’s is actually very close to the highway.
C. Opal likes Trader Joe’s.


I like TJ’s fish.

Wild caught and frozen-well, it seems. I simply don’t buy fish anymore unless it’s from TJ’s or Whole Foods. Won’t buy it at the grocery store.

They also have a ton of good cheese at TJs.

I’ve had that corn, though. It was edible, but we never bought it a second time. Proper roasted corn, on the cob, in the husks, on the grill is one of those joys of summer. Is July here soon?

Not in DC proper, but there’s about a dozen of them in the 'burbs all around DC. They can’t be that far from a TJ’s.

I’m still intrigued by their having opened a store in Newport News. This isn’t Virginia as in DC suburbs and exurbs; this is southern Virginia, three hours from the Beltway. I have a hard time believing they intend to have just this one store down there for very long. ISTM that this has to be the first move of an expansion into the Southeast.

being similarly deprived, joins Lissla Lissar to sob in the corner

I want a Trader Joes! :frowning:

I did, until I moved to the PNW. Last trip to TJ’s I bought four skinless wild salmon filets. Since I’ve resumed Atkins, I’ll be eating more fish. Unfortunately this batch has a bit of a ‘fishy’ taste to it. Not quite as good as the wild-caught Alaskan salmon I can get at the local market. But vastly superior to the farm-raised fish you get in many markets.

It’s a good thing that TJ’s is 80 miles away. I’m a fiend for their Cocoa Almonds, and I must not have any on the diet.

Every time I go to Everett I tell the TJ’s crew that they’re missing out on a very good market in Bellingham. They say they hear that a lot. But IIRC they are concentrating on eastward expansion.

The only real beef I have with Trader Joe’s is that they get me hooked on something, and then the item gets discontinued. The three examples that come to mind are the Stone Ground Corn Chips, the Pecan/Hazlenut-Crusted Trout, and the Aloe Vera Shave Gel.