The Jeopardy thread [was James Holzhauer][contains spoilers]

This is almost certainly confirmation bias.

The notion that the producers could or would manipulate the game in this way is annoyingly pervasive. As we’ve explained frequently in these threads, the game show scandals of the 1950s led to federal legislation that strictly constrains the producers. And when you are a contestant, you see how seriously they still take these rules. You only interact with a small number of contestant coordinators and a few people on the set, but no one in the control room or others who have access to the game clues. Contestants are selected at random just before the taping of each show, as is that game’s material. You are accompanied to the bathroom!

The only exceptions along the lines you are suggesting are that the tournaments have material that is tailored to them: easier for the teens and celebrities, and harder for the TOCs. But the idea that someone is saying, “Amodio is winning lots of our money! Make the clues harder!” is nonsense.