The Jeopardy thread [was James Holzhauer][contains spoilers]

An appropriate epithet, considering his FJ response. :smirk:

Not much, what’s Amodio with you?

I posted about the extra film day last week. It set Matt up to struggle. Imagine playing 3 weeks of games in three days. The mental strain seemed apparent today. Anyway, Matt had a good run and won big. MSN

So, some time ago, they taped five shows on Monday, five shows on Tuesday, and five shows on Wednesday.

Thus, Matt survived the Monday shows and the Tuesday shows, but lost on the first show on Wednesday?

Josh Hill (7 game champ) Tweeted this information September 27. I haven’t seen it disputed.

They tape 2 days. That’s a week of shows each day. Richards was fired after hosting a week. His 2nd taping day had to be made up by Mayim. She rearranged her schedule to host 3 weeks.

Do former Jeopardy Champs talk among themselves? Maybe a private Facebook group? I wonder where Josh got his insider info.

This is Mayim’s 3rd week? It would have been taped on a Wednesday.

Matt had several duds of a guess tonight. That one, “Spawn,” “toad,” and “flock.” (The last was particularly egregious since “flock” was in the clue itself.) Seemed like he was ringing in out of desperation, without actually knowing the answer, hoping he could figure it out in a few seconds.

I have to admit, even though I’ve been a Matt-hater, I kind of felt bad for him tonight. He seemed to really be struggling. You could tell he was in a funk after someone else found the last Daily Double, removing any hope he may have had of turning it into another runaway. Still, it will be nice to see some more evenly matched competition for a change. And for those who will miss Mr. “what’s,” he’ll be back for the Tournament of Champions.

Totally off topic, but in today’s DJ, the DD answers were 800 dollars and 1200 dollars. Not sure if I’ve seen both DD’s be less than 1600 bucks.

I would agree. A) it looked like it was getting to him - especially when he didn’t land the daily doubles. B) I don’t think he has the acting chops to have faked that.

He had an amazing run, but I’m excited to see new people.

There is a private FB group for Jeopardy Contestants (although not one specifically for champs, AFAIK). I’m a member. Although there has been plenty of chatter about Matt over the past few weeks, there was no specific conversation about this topic. (As I write this, just after midnight ET, there has been no discussion about Matt’s loss today.)

However, I don’t know what insider information you’re referring to: I believe Mayim’s taping of three weeks of shows over three consecutive days has been widely reported in the media.

I really liked Matt but haven’t watched since the new season started because watching a mega-champ bulldoze the opponents night after night is boring.
Knowing he was finally going to lose, I watched tonight and thought Mayim was fine. (I hadn’t seen her since her audition games, in which she irritated me.) I still think Ken J should have gotten the job, but can settle for seeing him host the special stuff, if that’s in fact how things end up.

You misspelled “Buzzy C”.

I’ve seen them in the $100/$200 level a couple times. $1200 is quite common. I think $1200 and $1600 are where they are most often.

I didn’t expect Matt’s eventual loss to be such a crash-and-burn. He was uncharacteristically slow on the buzzer, gave some wildly wrong answers when he did ring in, and missed a relatively easy FJ.

Still, 38 wins certainly ain’t no fluke, and he walks away with a million and a half. Great run!

The one I felt bad for was Jessica, the middle player. She kicked Matt Amodio’s ass and still had to settle for second place. Bummer for her.

Jessica was the best player today and deserved to win. What’s his name who won was very lucky, getting both DD’s back to back in the second round. That was a huge break that unfortunately kept Jessica from winning. She had a great Double Jeopardy round. She started on a roll by answering many of the Medical Abbreviations category which got her going. I would have really liked to see her continue for awhile.

Matt just didn’t have it today. He usually answers a huge percent of the questions, but not today. He actually had a decent lead after the Jeopardy round despite not getting the DD. Jessica, and to a lesser extent the other guy took it too him in the Double Jeopardy round by answering a lot of questions correctly and quickly (like he usually does to his opponents). That and his frustration from surprisingly missing a few questions put him into a funk during the second half of the round. He did rebound at the very end (the last 4-5 questions) but the dollar amounts weren’t enough to cut the deficit to the others. He was down $10,000-$14,000-$14,000 going into FJ, where he really stumbled.

Unlike others here, I really enjoyed watching Matt’s run. He played the game extremely well and was excellent at the most important thing…answering a wide variety of questions at an amazing pace. It was cool to see him go far and it made the shows better to watch. Don’t forget the awful collection of stiffs who populated the show in the period from the conclusion of the last Tournament of Champions until Matt appeared. Those shows were borderline unwatchable due to the weakness of the players. Be careful what you wish for. In 3-4 weeks you may be nostalgic for Matt’s run if we are suffering through a similar collection of stiffs at that time.

Yes, Matt seemed very off his game today. Did I see correctly that Matt almost answered “Germany” for Final Jeopardy? It looked like he had “Ge” before he crossed it out and wrote “Poland.” How could Germany annex itself.

As far as time slots go, it shows at 4:30pm here in Hawaii, which is 7:30pm on the West Coast and 10:30pm on the East Coast. Since we don’t change our clocks, that will be 6:30pm West Coast and 9:30pm East in just a few weeks. Just to mention.

Actually, I think it was closer to one-and-a-half million.

Anyway, even if you wanted to, how could you win one million dollars and fifty cents on Jeopardy!?

(Sorry, that mathematical/linguistic idiosyncrasy is a pet peeve of mine.)

I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed watching Matt, and miss him already. But I’m wondering who else is gonna be in the next TOC.

I enjoyed Matt’s win streak. It will be interesting to see how well he does in the TOC.

I understood how he got to “Spawn.” Based on his reaction, it looked like he knew “Venom,” but blanked on the name (happens to everyone sometimes). So he seized on another Todd McFarlane comic book character dressed in black.

I think Matt has said that he often rang in as soon as possible, even if he didn’t know it, counting on being able to figure out the correct response before time ran out. Ken Jennings did the same. That’s great when it works, but if you run into a string of answers you don’t know, that technique can turn around and bite you very easily.

I mostly think he was just tired, for whatever reason. He looked it.

“A million and a half” is a perfectly good alternative to “one and a half million.” Nobody would confuse it with “one million dollars and fifty cents.”