The just HAS to be Blood Bowl Players on SDMB!

How do I know you speak the truth and are not just some guy?

Did anyone play the old CD based PC game of Blood Bowl? It must have been from 1995 or even earlier. If so how does the new compare?

ETA: Blood Bowl (1995 video game) - Wikipedia

The 1995 version wouldn’t let you buy regular roster players, wouldn’t let you set up your own formations, wouldn’t let you change the way your guy looked, wouldn’t let you name them, wouldn’t allow player advancement.

The only thing the old game has over the newer one is a greater variety of races…which I’m holding out hope will be remedied eventually.

So the new game allows play against the AI, it is not online only? That would be cool.

The old game did allow you to earn gold to purchase better free agents. That was pretty much the advancement, I typically played Dwarves, got as many Bruzers and Killers as possible and slowly got vastly superior to the other teams through attrition.

Yeah and despite the complaining of some has decent AI, it’s that Blood Bowl fanatics are just that and anything less than a ‘Grand Master Rating’ is seen as weak programming.

The old game allowed you to purchase Star Players, yes, thats not the same thing as a rookie lineman to fill the depleted ranks, the difference of which any Wood Elf coach can see.

Sorry, I only know the game through that old 1995 software. I never saw a board game and I and my main circle of friends were all heavy gamers. I learned about the board game a few years later. It sounds like I should look for the new title.

I got mine D2D, but I think it should be out on disc for PC and Xbox 360 now.

I think you’ll enjoy it.

The biggest change you’ll notice immediately is the ability to set up your own formations. The 1995 game always seemed to start your Black Orcs in your own god damn endzone which made me feel like I was dealing with a retarded Offensive Coordinator.

Who said I’m not just some guy? :stuck_out_tongue:
