The Kitty Report

It’s been two weeks since we adopted one-year-old Abbey [sic] from The NOAH Center. Mostly, she’s been hiding under SWMBO’s bed. I’ve tried to give her ‘tours’ of the house when I can, but it’s been hard for me to get her out from under the bed. Tonight The Missus called me to pick Abbey up. She had her on the bed. I petted her, then picked her up. I showed her ‘outside’ through the open laundry room door. I showed her outside through the open front door. I showed her the catio. And now, to the couch. Complication: Goo was on the couch. I sat down with Abbey in my lap and pet her. Goo behaved. Abbey eventually wanted to be let go, but instead I turned her around – facing Goo. Abbey settled down, and all was well. Goo started hissing, and Abbey started growling. I told both ot them ‘No!’ Goo put her head down. There was some hissing later, but Abbey stayed quite comfortably in my lap until Mrs. L.A. said I should take her back to the bedroom.

I took Abbey back to the bedroom and put her on the bed. We played with bird-onna-string and fingers-on-the-belly until Mrs. L.A. came to the door. Abbey was interested, but decided to go back under the bed. Meanwhile, Goo got a Temptations treat for being such a good girl.

We went outside, and when I came back in Abbey was in the laundry room. She went back to the bedroom and ate some kibble. I went to the kitchen and got her some more kibble. Goo is beside me on the couch.

Two steps forward today! :slight_smile:

Actually four.

About 15 minutes ago there was a standoff. (Don’t you love being awakened at a quarter to six for drama?) Just a bit of growling, and Goo ran off as soon as I came up behind her.

I’m hoping the standoff was a good thing. Maybe Abbey is starting to gain some confidence.

I went to the bathroom, and I heard a meow. I opened the door, and in walked Abbey. I had an audience for a few minutes. After washing my hands, I picked her up and took her to the kitchen where my wife was preparing to make muffins. Then we went to the living room and sat down next to Goo. There was no growling! Abbey did have her ears back a lot of the time, but she was OK. I let her crawl off of my lap and onto the floor. I was concerned she’d go behind the couch, but she went through the kitchen and back to the bedroom. I came in, and she jumped up on the bed for some petting.

Just now I could hear Mrs. L.A. talking to her, and Mrs. L.A. came out and whispered 'She’s using the big litter box! Yay! :+1: :+1: :smiley:

Things appear to be progressing well.

There may continue to be an occasional growl, and even an occasional swat. As long as nobody’s continually hiding for fear of the other, I wouldn’t worry about it. – sometimes there continues to be an occasional growl and/or swat even when two have long since reached the point of sleeping curled up together.

When I was out back working, Abbey came out to the front door and was looking out. (I didn’t see her of course, since I was out back.)

Good job you’re doing there, cat dad!

A-hem. <ThelmaLou taps foot impatiently> And where, pray, is the photographic evidence of these alleged antics? :face_with_monocle:

Yeah, where’s the evidence of your kittywampus?

In another thread!

This is the only photo we have of Abbey so far.

And here’s a picture of Goo.


Abbey- those eyes, those ears!

And Goo- the blep! Love the blep.

Abbey is a pretty girl, but I’m all about that blep.

Those nose!

Oh noes! :smiley_cat:

Abbey’s laying in ‘mom’s’ lap. Goo pretty much ignored her. We played with mouse-onna-string, and no she’s out in the catio.

She doesn’t do it often, but Mrs. L.A. got a great pic. (I cropped it.)

I’m enjoying these Kitty Reports a lot! Thank you.

Abbey is becoming more comfortable in the living room – as long as she’s on or next to ‘mom’ and ‘dad’. Mrs. L.A. held her first, for a long time. Then she gave her to me. Goo was reclining on the other end of the couch. After a bit, I put Abbey onto the couch, right next to me. She wasn’t happy being that close to Goo, but she settled down. I gave each cat a Temptations treat.

Eventually, Goo went out into the catio. Abbey curled up where Goo had been napping. When Goo came in, there was Hell to pay. Goo saw Abbey in her spot and ran right over to swat at her. Abbey yowled and swatted back. It only lasted a second, but Goo is already feeling sad because Mom’s bedroom is now off-limits. She doesn’t need a usurper taking her couch spot!

Oh no! :scream_cat:

That’s cat life!