So last Saturday we’re in the pub watching the World Cup and the place is packed solid.
Lot’s of people are smoking 'cos it’s still allowed in the UK and I’m one of the smokers…I know I’m a filthy disgusting person :rolleyes:
Amyways this woman a BIG woman weighing at least 18 stones is giving me the evil eye and flapping her arms around like a demented idiot every time I light a cigarette. I ask her what the problem is.
“Your smoke is going to kill me”
I am gobsmacked and before I can stop myself I blurt out “Lady your obesity will kill you long before my smoke does”
The people around erupted in shrieks of laughter and the lady went bright red.
Honestly I felt really awful, I did.
I shouldn’t have said that and if she had belted me one I would have deserved it.
But she didn’t, she just hauled herself out of the pub before I had time to say I was sorry for my remark.
I still feel bad about it.