I was having a rather frustrating experience at stackexchange biology, where I asked the same question and got booed out of any proper answers for not ‘doing enough research’. What’s maddening is that from the bits of info they spared, I feel I’ve come really close to the answer, yet can’t confirm it (partly because the nature of such Q&A site doesn’t allow active bouncing of ideas). So here I am, resorting to SD. I’ll try to summarize all the things I’ve learned till now, please correct me if there’s misinfo in any steps:
- In a summer course I followed, it was revealed that “(paraphrased) at birth, the larynx is situated up high, and as the infant grows, it drops gradually. Which makes speech easier and also chokes likelier.”
- Apparently, choking can be divided into 2 categories of water and food, both are relevant to the problem in different ways.
- This picture demonstrates the anatomy of adults on the left, apes and supposedly infants on the right. Let’s call the crossroad where the airflow meets the foodflow, well, “crossroad”.
- When animals drink water, the reddish larynx in the pic will move even higher upwards (yuck), forming a sealed, continuous airway to allow breathing while drinking. I imagine it as connecting 2 hoses by tightly inserting 1 inside another and the ends. Water will flow around the tube because the crossroad’s space is quite bigger than the tube’s diameter => animals can never choke on water.
- But when animals eat, any tube will block the foodflow, therefore the larynx stays in its place. Instead, another gadget called epiglottis will flap down and completely cover the airway. (Big) chunks of food coming through the crossroad will only serve to push it close more tightly, so the airway is always safe from foreign bodies. Yet this also explains why animals can choke on food: if the fish is too big, it could be stuck right at the crossroad, and the animal would die of oxygen deprivation.
- Enter humans. As we developed languages, somehow a dropped larynx is more advantageous. It being lower is said to “leave space for an echo chamber”. While it’s true physically, I doubt its practical purpose. Many ape species are recorded & filmed to have a wide voice range when they vocalize. Even an infant human with her heightened larynx can produce quite a range. So I contest that the dropping only serves to make our voices more bassy, not “helping speech easier”. In fact, most of our phonemes result from other articulating organs doing their work, and what differentiates humans from apes & animals is not the voice box being able to vibrate. As for why more bass voice is more preferred, I have no concrete ideas. Help?
- Humans lost the ability to connect the hoses and form a sealed tube, so both when we drink and eat, we use the epiglottis to cover out airway. However, since water is a liquid, it can enter our lungs even if there’s a small slit, i.e. when the epi can’t do its job perfectly => humans have increased risk of water choking. But it has nothing to do with the dropping of larynx, because even at infant stage, we already can’t form the sealed tube anymore. In other words, infants are at the same risk of water choking as adults.
- When it comes to eating, theoretically we can do better, because solid chunks of food might help the epi close more effectively. But because we’re social animals, (some of us) tend to talk while dining, especially those who want to jump at others’ mouth when the others are speaking and they themselves are swallowing. This leads to conflicting commands to the poor epiglottis, and in desperation it lets stuff into our airway => humans may have an even more increased risk of food chokes.
- So, back to the original lecture, now it seems the dropping of the larynx, technically, neither makes ‘speech easier’ and ‘chokes likelier’. Or very, very little. Is my conclusion wrong? Is the logic flawed at some point?
- That leads to the question of why the larynx doesn’t appear way down in infants in the 1st place. Perhaps since this is a very recent development in our evolutional history, it doesn’t have time to progress in utero? Like our tails, which appeared then shed, but did it in time before birth.
- Which leads to a related question. Why do we even have crossroads? Is this an error in our proto-ancestor that, if we have the chance for a grand re-design, we’d not let happen?