The Last Door - free 8-bit horror adventure

If you like atmospheric point-and-click adventuring, or you’re a fan of Lovecraftian fiction, check out The Last Door. It’s an online game about Jeremiah Devitt and his search for answers to a deadly mystery stretching back to his boarding school days in the 1870s.

The graphics are 8-bit, but once you get into it, it’s surprising how much creepy atmosphere the developers can create with blocky shapes and some excellent sound design/music.

The first three chapters are free to play right now. It’s all in-browser and very easy to access. If you make a contribution, you can play chapter 4 as well, or you can wait till the next season premieres sometime this summer for it to go free.

The Game Kitchen guys also welcome beta testers, and there are forums where you can offer suggestions for everything from puzzle design to wording. I participated in the chapter 4 test run, and they incorporated some of my suggestions, which was really cool!

I did the premium subscription which includes beta access, immediate play upon launch of each chapter, and the ability to download the soundtrack. Well worth it, in my opinion.

It’s on steam, now, so I assume it is complete?