The latest in Paris fashion. High fashion men's outfits with penis windows - Not SFW!

I remember seeing online not all that long ago pictures of a mens fashion show, and they were wearing pants with realistic plastic penii on the crotch area. I’ll try to look that one up.

Yeah, but big, white, marble statues are one thing. Bouncing, flopping, flesh-colored hairy wieners & sacks are quite another! :eek:

Can we also refer to the uncircumcised penii as “snake in a sweater”?


Until you can attach a tassle and twirl it to a Carmen Miranda song, it will never catch on.

You do know the Ancient Greeks painted those statues fleshtone and then detailed in the hair. Thank goodness for weathering :wink:

Well, if they were so great then they’d still be around, wouldn’t they?

“It was like a Martian. It had no face, no personality!”