The Latest In Urban Legends

Delivered to my e-mail this morning:

Ex-cel-LENT! << high five >>

That’s almost word-for-word from Snopes.

Nobody ever sends ME cool stuff from Inboxer Rebellion. You are so lucky.


Does this mean I can get back to checking for change in pay phone slots with nary a care in the world?

Interesting link to snopes there, DDG.
I never knew his power to find urban legends was due to his mind control techniques.

Damn leftovers gunking up the copy and paste function again. Knew I should have washed that pot before it had a chance to harden…

It’s all Matthew Johnsen’s fault, he made me go look up that website.

And it’s also the administration’s fault, for not standing over me with a loaded pistol, forcing me to preview my link.

And it’s Lissa’s fault, too, for starting this thread in the first place, so there!

Thanks, pricciar. :smiley:

So, we can also stop checking under movie theater seats as well? Got that jazz about a year ago.