The Mandalorian Season 3 [Open Spoilers]

It was a set-up episode, with very little plot advancement. I hope it will get better. Not every episode in the first season was a banger, but when you watch them all in a binge-fest, they don’t disappoint as much, and still have important details that play back into the main story. I am expecting the same for this one on future re-watches.

It had some fun bits, but it wasn’t the best.

This review of the episode does a great job of pointing out what was good about it, and why it isn’t as limp as I first thought.

I think this is what they were going to do with her anyways, they just canceled the “special forces” tv show.

Good foundational episode. Grogu is starting to get more confident in himself, and dad is teaching him “the way”. Narrating what you are doing is a good way to keep younglings and foundlings engaged.

I literally fell asleep in the middle of it. My wife said I didn’t miss anything.

I hate to say it but that was kind of lame for an opener. and also, shame on them for not even recapping the huge plot points that happened on Book of Boba Fett. That’s just bad story telling. Hoping next week is better.

Uh. They did. That was almost what the entire episode was about - it recapped all that had gone before, and set up what was coming up.

Or at least they should learn the strategy of " Run away! Run away!"

I thought that Shard looked like he had green tinsel hanging off his head. :grinning:

That was pretty funny, “translating” everything they said. Even with his helmet on, the look Djarin gave him was recognizable as “What am I, an idiot?”

I also liked the little droids that kept Greef’s cape from touching the ground. Just a hint to Greef, if you are going to get into a quick draw fight, maybe don’t wear oversized bulky gloves all the time.

All in all, I liked the episode, it was over way too soon. I’m just not used to watching one episode a week anymore. Too impatient now.

Let’s say someone only watched the Mandalorian. The last they knew Grogu was off with Luke and Mando had no ship. Non of that was recapped in any way at all.

I may have been a little hard on the episode. Showing Nevarro thriving was interesting but it was just a very very mediocre start after a long hiatus.

i watched a reaction video on youtube. one reactor wondered (i’m paraphrasing) if this group have “congress” with their helmets on or just rely on foundlings to keep the sect going. had me thinking of the shakers.

Is this season’s “mission” just to get a droid fixed? Seems really low-stakes to me. IG-11 was amusing in that episode long ago, but really just one of several quirky and quickly written off characters we’ve met on the show.

I imagine the real mission will be for Mando to bathe in the waters and thus be absolved of the sin of taking off his helmet. Although now that he’s learned that there are lots of Mandalorians who remove their helmets all the time, and his particular Never-Take-Off-Your-Helmet group is actually an extremist cult that all the other Mandalorians regard as freaky weirdos, you wonder if he’ll eventually break from them.

On the one hand, he seems like a pragmatic enough man to recognize that the rule is ultimately kind of stupid. But on the other hand, he is very grateful to the Children of the Watch for taking him in when he was a foundling, and it can be very difficult to leave behind a belief system that you’ve been raised in for as long as you can remember.

Bringing back IG-11 seems a bit lame, but the fact that they were using his actual corpse as a statue is hilarious.

The ultimate mission is his growth and Grogu’s as well. One suspects that such will result in his mastery of the Dark Saber and becoming a reluctant leader, possibly of both factions.

Wanting a droid that he trusts is part of that growth, illustrative of it even.

I probably shouldn’t hate that Naboo starfighter as much as I do. The Razor Crest had personality.

Mando seemed irrational about the droid and the fact that he is going to such lengths to make good with a sect of fanatics who live in the past to their own detriment makes it hard to be invested. Unless that becomes the point and he learns how silly he is being.

He’s been that way about droids since the start, due to his backstory. Same with the cult too really.

IG-11 is the only droid he trusts because of what they went through together in Season 1. Kind of like Ripley and Bishop in Aliens.

I’ve chosen to believe that it’s the same starfighter Anakin flew in Phantom Menace, and this is its redemption arc. :slight_smile:

Then Mando can go visit Boba Fett again on Tatooine and salvage Anakin’s pod racer.