The mechanics of Nazis riding dinosaurs, as a result of wide spread gay marriage.

I was reading the paper this morning, and I came across the following

Now, this caused me some consideration. I always thought that the existence of major motion pictures that praise gay relationships would lead to widespread acceptance of gay marriages. Yet, as the reporter just said, no major disasters happened that would lead to the inevitable result of gay marriage: Rivers that shall flow with blood (Also, lava) and the Nazis will once again ride on dinosaurs.

Now, this got me wondering, what will be the more physical warnings of this occurring? Will thought to be extinct fish make a comeback? Will rejuvenation surgery make major breakthroughs in Brazil? And what’s more, where did the dinosaurs come from? The lost world? Antarctica? The Nazi’s secret mission to the moon? Basically, I am asking people for thoughts on how the Gay Marriage generated Nazi domination of the world will proceed.

Oh, and for those who don’t get the reference I am making, below is a spoiler to ruin the whole joke. In the Drawn Together episode “Foxxy vs. the Board of Education” , the flash animation pig gets married to the gay video game hero. This Is done so that the pig can get free healthcare. At the end of the episode, “someone remarks “What’s the worst that could happen as a result of gay marriage? Then, the camera reveals the outside of the house and the neighborhood, which is mostly now covered in lava from all the volcanoes, and Nazis are patrolling the neighborhood, mounted on the backs of Brontosauruses, Pterodactyls, etc.

Well, the Nazis have been hiding out in the Hollow Earth, so presumably that’s where they’ve been breeding and training the dinosaurs. They might burst forth all at once with no warning, as soon as their agents on the surface tell them civilization has weakened to the point where Communist-Jew-inspired gay marriage is legal and the decadent world is ripe for conquest by the Final Reich. And they’re perfectly placed to plant volcano-inducing bombs.

There are only two ways to prevent this:

  1. Everybody come to Jesus.

  2. Encourage the burning of fossil fuels, so global warming will melt the icecaps, raise the sea level, and flood the Hollow Earth through the hole at the South Pole.

Where do the Illuminati stand in all this?

BG, I don’t think that will work. If we flood the Hollow Earth, it will lower the levels of the oceans enough to free the Atlanteans from their suspended animation, enabling them to conquer us with their mind-control helmets and flying dragons.

I think that simply fossil dinosaurs and nazi corpses/skeletons will magically come back to life.

The forces of darkness have been too weak in the past to do this, at least on a large scale, because of the relative righteous nature of the country. But as soon as too many gay folks become happy, those forces become powerful enough to resurrect their evil minions.

They are in favor of gay marriage, because of the dissolution of society, but they will try to oppose the reign of Nazis.

They hope to have a women archeologist freak out, slaughter all the Nazi’s, then blame it on popular pulp fiction character Mr. Misnomer, somehow come to life.

Also, haven’t you been to a newstand? Atlantis is inhabited. By men with little wings on their ankles.

See, people are always talking about why they want to move to/visit Canada, and it’s always all this bullshit about the clean air and water and the scenery and the nice people and the freedoms, and stuff, but we’re ALL on to your secret. It’s the dinosaur riding Nazis, we know it. I mean, it was bound to happen - all those dinosaur bones in Alberta, all those disillusioned Canadians looking for a new political outlook, and then you toss in the cataclysmic event of gay marriage…

Oh sure, we’re still getting used to the arrival of the dino-loving nazis, but we’ve come to accept it as a consequence of just letting any two people who love each other marry. But c’mon, the least y’all could do is admit you don’t REALLY love us, you don’t REALLY think our country is beautiful, you just wanna see the dinosaurs. And Nazis.


sniff sniff

Plural of Nazi: Nazis, not Nazi’s.

A Canadian Nazi just wouldn’t be the same…the harsh German accent is half the appeal! They’d have to ride on assorted megafauna from the Pleistocene Ice Ages to survive up there, anyhow. A Canadzi on a Mastodon would be a sight, though, eh?

Oh, and I spelled the word right in the OP (Well, in 2 out of three tries, at least) just not in the title. Mods, would it be too much to ask for a correction?

I hate Canadian Nazis.

Maybe he wants to discuss the mechanics of the special “riding dinosaurs” that the Nazis owned.

Oot! Oot! All Jews oot! Eh?

I don’t think you should base your research on the beliefs of rascist fundamentalists. Even if they are animated princesses.

Now, now, she’s on to something.

As a junior associate of the Etheric College, I’ve had some opportunity to study the psychic emanations of homosexuals (My advisor and I have introduced it to our literature as “gaether”) and, oddly enough, it harmonizes strongly with the etheric fields of exceptionally bigoted Caucasians and lizards. (There’s less difference between the two than you’d expect.)

I believe this may account for some of lekatt’s experiences. He doesn’t seem to be a Nazi, and I am unaware of his sexual orientation, but during cessation of higher brain function the “reptilian” brain often kicks into hyperdrive, overriding the normal etheric emanations produced by penile-vaginal intercourse and increaseing the individual’s susceptibility to gaetheric influence.

Naturally, as homosexuality is becoming increasingly accepted in our society, the gaether reaches out to the brain-dead and attempts to align their etheric vibrations with itself. Homosexuals with healthy self-images (more and more common these days) fail to suppress their gaetheric energies sufficiently. As a result, the gaether is more influential than it once was.

lekatt, as a heterosexual, reasonably bigotry-free male, was only able to catch a glimpse of the UberTaffeta OverSoul. However, as the gaether grows in power, we will see more and more near-death cases being absorbed into it and having their auras realigned.

Since homosexuality is not inducable in a sexually mature heterosexual (that would be silly), gaetheric poisoning can only manifest in one of two ways.

  1. The near-dead reawaken as jackbooted Jew-hating thugs
  2. The near-dead physically transform into giant lizards with an affinity for jackbooted Jew-hating thugs

In conclusion, it is an etherically unsound practice, not to mention disturbingly anti-Semitic, when two boys run their wieners together.

Just sayin’
I’ve been awake for a very long time.

As an Etheric scientist, I am aware that re-animated Nazis are a constant threat. But, I know that Agharta continues to be defended by two of the finest Scientists the world has ever known. Elias, known to the world as Frankenstein’s Monster, has long dwelled with the monks of the Hollow Earth. Doc Eon, the Man Of Many Tomorrows, has thwarted the Nazi’s plans to invade Agaharta in the past (see Doc Eon And The Smoky God). Some argue that Eon is dead. Rubbish! His adventures have merely taken him further afield in space and time. When the Nazis rise, they find us quite prepared to deal with them.

BTW Koresh built his commune in Florida, not Chicago. For a time, it seemed as though his theory of Cellular Cosmogony might be accepted into the Consensus. Teed’s Rectilineator experiment did bear out his theories. Some Scientists are still fond of the idea and some Sleeper web sites still support it.

Not a problem.

When did Nazis ride dinosaurs? Can we have a picture?

Cite! Cite! lol

More humor in the vein of the OP: Where is my gay apocalypse?

And this thread would not be complete without a link to THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA:

Grammar Nazi.