The Minor Annoyance Thread: What's Pissing YOU off?

People with gasser cars who park at THE ONLY FRICKIN’ DIESEL PUMPS and go off to have a picnic, give birth, something, whatever which makes me have to sit and seethe for fifteen minutes waiting an waiting while I watch about twenty cars pull in and out of the gasser only pumps.

Warm summer evenings, because then every freaking kid in the neighborhood is out playing at top volume. It is very hard to get my “School is back in session and all you sophomore punks are going to die!!!” teacher game-face on. I keep wanting to go out and enjoy the last weekend of summer instead of thinking dark thoughts about Administators and parents. :mad:



I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what you mean by “gasser.” At first I thought it meant “diesel,” but if that were the case you’d be talking about watching other folks going in and out of the diesel-only pumps – which is what I thought you were waiting to use. :confused:

Fast food peel-off games and Coke caps that make you go to their website to enter a freakin’ code. Hey, just let me peel the tab or open the bottle and find out right now that I didn’t win this time (as is usual–I don’t even win a free Coke very often!).

I just hate jumping through hoops only to see “Sorry, please drink Coke and play again!” Grrrrr…

The electricity is off again.

Since last night. When I got home late from working and shopping, the cat was utterly hysterical. (Unfortunately, when he chose me, I forgot to ask if he was afraid of the dark).

No electricity = traumatized cat = one pissed off Doper.

Pissed off not so much because of the lack of power, or the loudness of the cat, but I had just spent what felt like several hours in the supermarket buying delicious things to cook up into treats for work.

But who wants to cook at 11.30pm by candlelight? Not me. Particularly not by the light of the last half inch of the last candle.

So all of the delicious things which should have gone into the freezer, or at least the fridge, are now going in the garbage.

If you own one of those big-ass trucks, it is completely unfair to everyone else looking for a parking space when you think that that entitles you to take up four parking spaces. Your really could manage to squeeze into one, you know. And if you absolutely must take up that much space, park way at the far end of the lot, please, where you aren’t taking other people’s spaces.
Walmart is really frustrating me lately. Their shelves appear not to have been restocked in weeks. And where, you might wonder, are all of their products? Still in boxes, none of them near the part of the store where they’re supposed to end up, blocking the products that are out! :smack:

Not necessarily wall to wall. I went to see them at the Wakiki Shell in the early '90s. You could take picnic baskets and spread out a blanket on the grass, which is what we did. Mr. SCL and I were in our early 30’s, the couple in front of us was in their early 20’s and the two couples on each side of us were in their late 40-early 50’s. Much enjoyment and passing around of food ensued.

Lying back on the blanket with a full moon rising over Diamond Head and wonderful music…ah, memories.

My roomate keeps having sex in the bathroom…at two in the afternoon…

Thank God I move in 2 weeks

Yes, folks, I do get into work 15 or 20 minutes early. That doesn’t mean I want to be hit with problems before I even sit down or get my coat off.

Also, Outlook does not read minds. I’ll be happy to set up a rule to shunt your spam into a Junk folder. What I can’t do, however, is set up something which will read your mind, know what’s spam and send it there before you even see it. Please take the extra second to flag it as spam so you don’t get inundated with messages from the same outfit. Sigh! I suppose I should see if I can come up with a comprehensive spam list, but then I’ll get complaints about legitimate messages being tagged.

I love that Graham Nash always performs barefoot. He’s such a hippie!

Is there something about the way the kids are playing that suggests that this isn’t exactly why they’re playing that way? :smiley:

I suspect the reason for this is twofold. First, like mail-in rebates, fewer people are likely to bother, thus fewer people are likely to win, thus fewer winning “codes” are redeemed. Second, for those that do bother, they get to subject you to ads and promotions and crap – and if you do have a winning tab they get to force you to enter your E-Mail address so you can forget to uncheck the “Spam the everliving crap out of me” and “Allow our ‘partners’ to spam the everliving crap out of me” boxes when you submit the code to get whatever it is they give you when you submit a winner. (I dunno, I’m in the “don’t bother” camp)

Outlook can’t. But SpamPal with the Bayesian Filter Plugin can once it’s trained properly. I use it, and while it generates a few fales positives once in a while (usually from legitemate E-Mails I get that really would be spam if I hadn’t deliberately requested it, or from “looks like spam” sources like PayPal or eBay) it has otherwise caught just about every piece of spam I receive. (It doesn’t actually do anything with spam, it just tags the subject line so Outlook or whatever client you use can use that tag in a spam filtering rule) And because Outlook (or whatever client) connects to it and it connects to your mail server, the filters can do their business and shunt spam to where it needs to go before you see it.

If nothing else this could help eliminate your particular complaint. :slight_smile:

(Apologies for momentarily turning this otherwise perfectly good whinge thread into a bit of IMHO/GD)

Today’s annoyance: Training. I don’t like training people. I’m a freakishly fast learner, and I don’t like people hovering over me. Give me some directions and step back–if I have questions, I’ll come to you.

The person I’m training is the exact opposite. She won’t look at the directions, she’ll turn around and ask me every little question. Despite the fact that she’s done this particular task ten to fifteen times in the two months she’s worked here, she still waits for me to guide her through it. Today, I said “I’m going on vacation in two weeks. You have to be able to do this without me. Read the directions.”

It still took her over an hour. It would have taken me ten minutes.


My local Wallyworld has been undergoing a renovation. The last four visits have found me wandering the aisles wondering where things went. I used to be able to do it in my sleep. Forty paces forward, thirty paces right = diapers. Everything is so screwed up right now I told them they should offer a “remodeling discount” of about 10% simply for the inconvenience. They didn’t agree. Boogers.

Mindfield, thanks for the heads up. I’ve talked it over with the rest of our IT department and we’re going to see if we can find some reasonably good, reasonably cheap software which will do this. In fact, I’ve started a thread in IMHO asking for other recommendations.

boo :frowning: it’s raining. it’s my only day off and it’s been gorgeous all week, but today it’s raining. so I can’t go outside and play without getting all wet.

I’ve got eye schmutz that won’t seem to go away. I’ve rubbed my eyes seventeen times today and they still feel half open.

The cats do not like the last batch of cat food I bought them so they spend all day staring at me in revenge.

I’ve got twelve misquito bites and they all itch.

I wish this house had a finished basement.

They stopped stocking my favorite blue cheese at the local market. It was like a cross between firmer cream cheese and blue cheese.

I cleaned the living room and the kitchen yesterday. They’re both dirty already.

The televsion remote needs new batteries.

The peach tree in the backyard fell down again and the water in the above ground pool is all greenish again.

Those crazy people who stand there at the intersection banging on the crosswalk button like Gene Krupa on speed. Hit in ONCE, people! It’s not a magic button!

Also: Stand back from the doors of the elevator! Same for the bus! Nobody can get on until the passengers get off. Back the eff up and let us out!!

I see that in my building elevator all the time. Half of them are channelling Buddy Rich, and the other appear to think that buttons give the elevator more electricity that makes it go faster.

Is that why they do it? I’m gonna call someone on it next time I see this behavior.

[QUOTE=Count Blucher]
the steering wheel vibrates faster and harder than a woman’s vibrator on the ‘Johnny Depp’ setting.

Are you selling?