The Minor Annoyance Thread: What's Pissing YOU off?

Well, I feel a tiny bit better, knowing that I’m younger than Orlando Bloom. How the hell is he 29? I got sneakers older than that. I am annoyed by this whole not-having-a-job and running-low-on-funds thing. With all the temp agencies in this town, you’d think someone would have something. I bet they all make rude gestures when they see my number on their caller ID. And let’s not even talk about regular employers. I have nightmares that I’ve put old information on all the applications, and so all the employers want me desperately but can’t get hold of me.

Scott’s (my cubicle neighbor) email .wav - not only is his volume way loud, but he’s got a clip from Monty Python - the sound of an arrow hitting a tree/wall/something, followed by John Cleese (I think) saying “Message for you, sir!” It seems while he’s on leave, he’s getting lots of email. GAH!

My sister actually sent me a Samuel Jackson “Snakes on a Plane” (which I originally typed as “Snakes on a Plain” – wouldn’t THAT be a boring movie!) message, and my idiot husband deleted it before I could listen to it.

What’s really pissing me off right now are the whiners in the thread about the new airport security measures. People are misinformed and overdramatic, and the level of self-righteous outrage is just ridiculous. :mad:

Me sitting down != lap time. This includes my office chair, the toilet, stretching before a run, reading, and eating.

I’m talking to you, cat.

That happened to me when I went on Wellbutrin (to give up smoking, alas not successfully). I was constantly yawning, and ‘stretching’…like when you wake up in the morning and do the big body expansion thingy…but all the freakin’ time.

Gave me the utter shits it did. That’s why I still smoke of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

People who don’t wash their hands after they use the bathroom. Specifically, people I work with who go to the bathroom and then walk right past the sinks and out the door to shake hands with people and touch things in the cafeteria. I wish for them all to eat food handled by people with similar hygiene habits!

I’m hungover and I feel non-specifically skeevy. Not enough to take to bed, to lethargic to clean, nothing on TV. Nothing in the house to eat and I have book club this evening. Bleagh. This whole stupid day is bleargh.

Right now and for the last couple of weeks … post-nasal drip. I hate it. I swear that I have to clear my throat a hundred times an hour and it never seems to clear it out. There’s always more mucous stuck in there. Always.

I know it’s got to annoy everyone around me and it’s annoying me even more. I’m not quite sure why it’s happening all of the sudden when I feel fine, so I’m probably going to see my doc to get a change on my allergy medication.

Anyone have any other ideas?

System screwup leading to new customers getting their passwords generated in upper case.

Not so bad, you say? It is when the server only recognises the passwords entered in lower case. So the customers do (what they think is) the right thing, by typing the password exactly as it’s written on the letter - in upper case.

But then they can’t get online, because the server’s rejecting their password. So we have to correct it for them, and get them to update it in their systems. And then there’s the whining “But I entered it exactly as it said on the letter”. I know you did, I’m not blaming you for it going wrong, I’m just telling you exactly what happened.

Goddamn half-assed system rollout.

Idiots who start mowing/weedeating their yards at 8 on a Saturday morning. I know you want to get it done before it gets too hot, but give me a break!

People who sit in their cars in front of houses and honk the horn incessantly. Are you that damned lazy? Go knock on the door! It’s after midnight, you lowbrow!

The speed of this board. I am very tired of getting error messages every third time I try to access a thread, and having the hamsters eat every other post I write. This is the only message board I have to pay for, and it has the worst servers of any message board I’ve ever been to. Unfortunately, I love it and am addicted to it, so I re-upped. I am going to go on the assumption that if my membership fee doesn’t entitle me to half-way decent service, it at least entitles me to bitch about it a little bit. So feed those fucking hamsters!

My neighbor started shortly after 9 this morning, and even that annoyed me a little (I am way not a morning person). :slight_smile:

If you go to a CSN&Y concert there is a small chance that you might hear songs about bad politicians, evil wars, the right to protest is inalienable, etc.

“For What It’s Worth” is only 40-freaking years old folks, get a clue before buying the tickets you morons.

Thanks for making me feel waaaaaaaaaaay old.

What’s pissing me off is that I can’t buy more than a 5 pound bag of flour at the grocery store. I have to go to bloody Costco or something.

I was going to see when they’re going to be in town! They’re one of my favorite concerts. Wall to wall geezers. What’s not to like?? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just moved out of my summer dorm and back into the dorm room I had during the last school year. In getting my stuff unpacked and set up, I noticed
To clarify, last semester, the chair at my desk broke and was replaced with a brand new one. Well, the room was used for conference guests and such over the summer and when I got back, my really nice new chair has been replaced with a typically beat up old chair.
I miss my chair.

Old Chinese cure-all for tummy stuff; eat some plain warm steamed rice.
I learned that from an old gf of Chinese descent, and it actually works pretty often.

Mostly men, anyway. By a long way. They refuse to signal their intentions while driving. Turning or lane changing.
No, guys, someone’s not going to hurry up and block you.
And no, it’s not “pussy” to signal.
Women aren’t completely innocent. Mostly they signal after the fact. A signal isn’t meant to say “I turned back there”.

People who say “I am way anything”. :eek:
It doesn’t piss me off, it just annoys me some. I have a problem with most TV language. I am so not sad “Friends” is gone.
Posted with much love for Misnomer. :wink: