Fox (or Global in Canada) showing the Simpsons Tree House of Horror XV a week after Halloween when it was Halloween exactly one week ago. A Halloween special in November? We already have our Christmas decorations up.
My boss is such a pussy. She keeps leading my co-worker on. My co-worker is a utter moron, but a nice girl. My boss had planned to fire her in the summer, but because she was short on people, my co-worker was kept around. A person who screws up is better than no one around, I guess. She keeps taking my co-worker off the schedule and putting her back on, while putting job postings on the university bulletin board. It upset my co-worker and everyone just wishes she’d stop treating her like that and fire her ass.
People who keep buying lottery and scratch tickets. They come in, buy two, leave, come in, buy two, leave, come in, buy two, leave over and over again. Ugh.
People who voted for bush in this election.
Running out of black thread while I’m sewing my pretty new top. Gargh. I have to wait until Tuesday to have time to buy thread.
This laptop getting really hot on my lap.
People who voted for bush in 2000.
My “friend” who keeps trying to tell me about her boyfriend when I’m really not interested on how she fucked him.
Trolls and people who respond to trolls, even when the response is “Oh look, it’s a troll.”
As of next week, I will be working three jobs, but still haven’t figured out how to tell the crappy boss I’m quitting.
And… me for always reading the SDMB but hardly ever post, except to post mini rants all tumbled into one thread. Gargh. Gargh indeed.