The most bizarre thing I've ever seen on TV

Y’know, when I saw that episode I just assumed it was a joke from the Mythbusters guys. Maybe Discovery Channel saw the show and demanded a blur, but I’m sticking by my “joke” theory.

Well, it was very interesting, and I liked the creativity and information underlying the truly disgusting bits, but I haven’t seen enough to elevate it to the pantheon of greatness yet.

Actually, they covered it with an image of a fig leaf.

The most bizare thing I have seen on tv and mainly because it is fresh in my mind is when Bush tol the head of FEMA

“Brownie, Your doing a heck of a job”

I try to use that line anytime I see someone screwing up now.

Maybe it’s that unsual double standard that Roger Ebert once referred to as “The National Geographic Law” or something to that effect: If it’s a tribe of people who commonly don’t wear clothes, then their naughty bits appear uncensored.

I remember years ago on Nickelodeon, they used to have a interstitial during commercial breaks called “Looking at each other,” which pointed out how life is like for children in different countries. In one of these, there was a brief shot of a naked African boy. His penis was uncensored. Again, presumably the National Geographic Law at work.

My family was watching a PBS show about race horses and it had the segment on semen collection. My mom was upstairs getting a snack and so came in late. In fact, right at the point where the young lady holding the Artificial Vagina is washing down the horses “equipment” to keep the sample from getting contaminated. All uncensored. We all stared intently at mom just so we could watch her face when she finally realized what she was looking at. It was worth the wait.

I remember seeing a nature show on network tv of uncensored footage of elephants getting it on. Apparently, on elephants, the equipment is somewhat prehensile.

As I type this, my song collection starts playing Wilson Picketts “Man and A Half.” Appropriate.

Q: Why do elephants have four feet?
A: Because eight inches just doesn’t get it done.

We saw this show and commented on the blurring. I seem to recall another program with an excited bull elephant, and his bits were pixellated also.

Because, you know, the children… :rolleyes:


I saw a show on the Food Network once where they were cooking geoducks. They showed them but felt it necessary to identify them as geoducks about every thirty seconds.

I want to get a pet geoduck, put him on my shoulder and go to my local bar.

If size is the reason for blurring, the implication is that human viewers would find a large horse penis, what, a turn on? More offensive than a monkey penis because of its size? It makes no sense.

I guess the NG law doesn’t apply to stud horses. :wink:

What does South Africa count as?

Bollocks! Sorry about that link: it was working fine when I shoved it in.

Here’s a different one, with Ms Hanley pictured under actress Kay Kendall. She didn’t normally display so much cleavage on Magpie, although her predecessor Susan Stranks was, as noted here, famous for always being braless.

So a guy walks into a bar with his fly unzipped, his wang hanging out, and a pet geoduck on his shoulder.

“Hey, buddy!” exclaims the bartender, “where’d you ever get a honker that big?”

“Puget Sound,” replies the geoduck.

…ooohhh-kay…maybe not.

Doesn’t this count as bestiality?

Bestiality, eh? As a comedian I saw last night said, “You can teach a dog to fuck, but you can’t fuck a teacher’s dog”.

Well, I laughed, anyway.

There’s a funny scene in one of Jame’s Harriot’s books (the last one I think) where he and Tristan are trying to do the same thing with a bull. The directions say to fill the artificial vagina with warm water, but Tristan makes the water too hot. Penis ensues.

This is the same show that blurs out vomit too. If you’ve ever seen the episode where they are chumming for sharks and puking overboard, the puke stream is blurred.

I really hate Dr. G Medical examiner when she is showing you something interesting on someone’s liver, but you can’t see what she is talking about because they blurr out all the internal organs on the show.

You can’t tell me that there are that many people aroused by vomit and dead people’s diseased livers. If you can’t handle blood and guts, get out of my documentary!

So that’s where that expression came from.

Indeed. I’ve always wondered what the point was of doing a documentary on something that they refuse to document. That ticks me off about television in general. “We want to show you this horrible thing, but WE CAN’T SHOW IT TO YOU…'cause, you know, that would be bad.”

“We want you to know this word was said, but we don’t want it to be said, so…”

Either show it, or don’t. Quit pretending. If it’s too “offensive” to show, then don’t do a show about it! If you want the audience to be aware of it, then quit hiding.

Have some fucking balls.

Wait…did I say “balls?”

I meant “honesty.”