The most demented movies of all time.

For that, you should be most grateful :eek: .
At least, I thought it was that movie… ::wanders off to IMDB to check::

Ken Russell’s movie “The Music Lovers” was pretty demented for a mainstream film. Then again, most of his movies (“Tommy”, etc) were demented. Didn’t have one about some crazy nuns where a priest gets burned at the stake at the end? Can’t recall its name. “Women in Love” really was his tamest movie.

Uh, those aren’t thumbs.

RE the Ken Russell film about the possessed nuns- The Devils, based on actual fact.

Do you know he was wanting to do Dracula starring Mick Fleetwood? I would have been so there!

Re Lair Of The White Wyrm

A cheezy prop is only demented if it’s cheezy on purpose. The puppet used for the giant worm/snake thing was IMHO the best prop they could afford.

I don’t remember the dildo being spiked. Certainly, it ends in a large, sharp point. But, it isn’t covered with spikes.

Considering the connections with hermaphroditism established through the cave paintings and earlier dialogue, a priestess who straps on a ceremonial dildo of death makes perfect sense. It’s also not much stranger than many things various religions actually did. “As testament to my adoration of Cybelle, I shall tear off my own nads!” “In order to ensure a life of fertility, our young daughter will have sex with the statue of Priapus in the temple off the main square. Please RSVP” “It is time to thank the gods for guiding our ancestors to this land, and for watching over the Mexica to this day. So, let find a beautiful young woman, skin her alive and dress a boy in the skin!”

Harold and Maude . This wasn’t even a grade B flick.

If you saw it on regular TV or even basic cable it would have been heavily edited.

Does Manos: The Hands of Fate count? I finally saw that thing a couple of months ago, and boy is it…something. Entertainment Weekly had a great article earlier this year about the origins of the film: a Texas fertilizer salesman told a producer friend of his that anyone could make a movie if they put their mind to it. Well, I think he was wrong.